Department Order #1, 2022 – 2023

George Andrew Huttick
57 Hwy 22S
Shiloh, TN 38376
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2022-2023

Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,

  1. My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 27th Annual Encampment in Murfreesboro.  I am honored to serve as your Department Commander.

  2. Congratulations are in order for our newly elected officers
        • David M. DuBrucq, PDC (2 yr.)
        • Dan Griton (2 yrs.)
        • Gary Burke (1 yr)
  1. Congratulations to our newly appointed officers
    • Guide/Registrar: Mark Kemp, PCC
  1. Additional appointments may occur in the following days. It is my intent to focus on the
    core roles of our Department and Camps as it is clear we need to build depth of roster.

  1. As discussed at Encampment, my focus as Department Commander will be growing our leadership.  We are a bottom-up organization, Camps are the heart of our organization.  That being said, National and Department have a responsibility to help train and coach downward.  My expectation is that all Department Officers will reach out to their Camp counterparts and provide coaching and help.  Follow the principle:
  • Just do it. If you aren’t absolutely sure what you’re supposed to be doing, just ask.

One great resource for your role is the National website.  Another is to reach up to your National counterpart and ask for help and guidance.

If you are a Department Officer, and the Camp does not have a person in your role. Assist the camp in the work!

It appears that we will be down 2 Camps in the past two years.  With their losses, as well as cleaning up the roles we are down 40% in membership.  We need to turn this trend.

  1. There remains emphasis on the timely submission of reports by the National Organization. Camps, like Departments may be suspended for failure to submit required reports in a timely fashion.  Camp Commanders are asked to work with their Camp Secretaries to assure completion and submission of required documents.  With changes made to the C&R last year, Department Commanders and Department Secretaries are punished for reports not being submitted in a timely fashion.  This will force our hand to act on late reports.

  2. For planning purposes, the 28th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee is tentatively set for mid-March 2023.  Desired location is Shiloh Tennessee.  Selection is not based on my residence, yet on a wish to go somewhere new and different and to get a larger attendance.

  3. All previous Department Orders shall remain in effect unless modified or rescinded.

  4. Brothers who are attending the National Encampment in Grand Rapids MI are reminded to submit their pre-registration.

  5. My contact information is in the letterhead. Email is the preferred contact method, especially during business hours.  Phone is appropriate for emergency.

So ordered this 5th day of April, 2022

George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War