DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2024-2025 – Pittsburg Landing Camp #61
GAHuttick : 28-June-2024 01:33 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedPittsburg Landing Camp #61
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2024-2025
Pittsburg Landing Camp #61
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
I am pleased to announce that a group of current, past, and future Brothers have begun
the process of forming a new Camp within our Department.
Effective today, permission has been granted for the Pittsburg Landing #61 Camp to
begin organizing. The Camp will be located in Savannah, TN, where there is a solid core
of men and women descended from United States Army units.
My thanks to Brother George Huttick for taking on the role of Camp Organizer.
The wives of the men are also working with the TN ASUVCW to ensure wives, daughters, etc.
are partnered in this new Camp. (
I encourage all Brothers to provide any support needed to help this Camp get chartered
and on its feet!
So ordered this 27th day of June 2024.
Chip Huffman,
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick, PDC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #4 – 2024-2025 – 30th Department Encampment
GAHuttick : 11-June-2024 01:12 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Chip Huffman 2409 Depot St Spring Hill, TN 37174 (615) 337-8030 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2024-2025
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
1. The Army of the Tennessee Camp 64 has stepped forward and agreed to host the Department Encampment next year.
2. The date has been set for Saturday, March 15, 2025
3. The Encampment will be held in Livingston, TN at the Legion Hall.
4. Details on Hotel Accommodations, Location of the Senior Vice Commander’s Dinner on Friday evening, and the Commanders Dinner on Saturday evening will be determined at a later date.
5. Please save the date and plan to attend. Let’s have a turnout like no other!
So ordered this 7th day of June 2024.
Chip Huffman, PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #3 – 2024-2025 – Passing of Br. Douglas K. Fidler, PDC
GAHuttick : 24-April-2024 01:01 : General Order, Home PageHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Chip Huffman 2409 Depot St Spring Hill, TN 37174 (615) 337-8030 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2024-2024 Passing of Br. Douglas K. Fidler, PhD, PDC
1. It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother Douglas K. Fidler, PHD, Past Department Commander. He was a Life Member of the Order
2. Br. Doug was a member of McTeer Camp #39 until it closed a few years ago. While in that Camp he served in many roles, including Camp Commander. In recent years, he had transferred to National Member at Large and relocated to New Hampshire.
3. He also served our Department well, filling many roles from 2009-2015. He served as our Department Commander in 2011-12.
4. A proud United States Air Force Veteran, Br. Doug promoted the ROTC Award throughout East Tennessee
5. Br. Doug was instrumental in the establishment of Camps-at-Large overseas. He was a member of Ensign John Davis Camp UK.
6. We will miss Br. Doug. His love of New Hampshire (and the accent to back it up!) His passion and dedication to the Order. And mostly the fraternity we shared.
7. With the passing of our beloved brother, I order the Department Charter, all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black. Please keep Br. Fidler’s family and friends, and community in your prayers and thoughts. He will be sincerely missed by all.
8. This order shall remain in effect for thirty days.
So ordered this 24th day of April, 2024
Chip Huffman
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick,PDC
Department Secretary/Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #2 – 2024-2025 – Host Committee for National Encampment
GAHuttick : 2-April-2024 00:37 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Chip Huffman 2409 Depot St Spring Hill, TN 37174 (615) 337-8030 |
Brothers of the Department,
At the 29th Encampment, the Department agreed to form a Host Committee to begin the work of scoping a National Encampment to be held in the Department of Tennessee with Mississippi. Several Brothers expressed interest in helping with the Host Committee.
- I have asked Br. George Andrew Huttick, PDC to chair the Host Committee.
- I ask the Br. Huttick reach out to the Department to develop the committee from the Brothers who expressed interest, Br. Kevin Tucker, PDC, National Jr Vice C-in-C, as well as any others that were not in attendance who may help us get the work done.
a. Committee members should be prepared to serve until the conclusion of the Allied Orders National Encampment in the year being proposed. Continuity and dedication are essential qualities for these committee members
- I ask Br. Huttick to reach out the Auxiliary-at-Large Joseph H. Rider #62 for their help on the Committee. The Sisters of the Auxiliary-at-Large have already expressed interest in helping. As they are a new Auxiliary-at-Large, they have noted that they will not be able to commit to financial support at this time.
a. Br. Huttick should also reach out to any other Allied Order in our Department to see if they are interested in assisting in the endeavor, with the understanding of the commitment required above (2.a.)
- This Host Committee is authorized to do the following:
a. Put together a proposal for Hosting an Encampment and submit it to the National Encampment Site Committeeb. Submit a Letter of Intention to the National Encampment Site Committee, listing the Requested Year and Possible Locations (Nashville, Knoxville, Memphis, Chattanooga in our case).
i. The Host Committee will receive an Instruction Book at a meeting during the next Allied National Encampment.
c. Host Committee will then send out Request For Proposal (RFP)s to Hotels and select at least three hotels which fit the requirements. The Host Committee then has 90 Days to submit a Written Proposal to the National Encampment Site Committee.
d. The Host Committee must then prepare a Formal Proposal for the National Encampment Site Committee. Once the National Site Committee have a chance to evaluate it and approve it, the Host Committee will submit a motion to host the Encampment for a vote Department Encampment.
- This Committee is not authorized to:
a. Bind us to holding a National Encampment. That will happen at Department Encampment meeting (or Special Department Encampment Meeting called for that purpose).
- The target for the Department holding a National Encampment will be 2026. Yet that may be adjusted based on the findings of the Host Committee
So ordered this 1st day of April, 2024
Chip Huffman, PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #1 – 2024-2025
GAHuttick : 19-March-2024 00:56 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Chip Huffman 2409 Depot St Spring Hill, TN 37174 (615) 337-8030 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2024-2025
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
The Department Commander Headquarters is hereby transferred from Shiloh, TN to 2409 Depot St, Spring Hill, TN 37174. Mail for the Department Commander may now be postmarked here. Electronic communications are the preferred method of correspondence and are available at
- My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 29th Annual Encampment at Fort Negley in I am honored to serve as your Department Commander.
- Congratulations are in order for our newly Elected Officers:
- Department Senior Vice Commander: Gary W. Moore, CC/PCC - Department Junior Vice Commander: Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC/PCC - Secretary/Treasurer: George Andrew Huttick, PDC - Department Council:
- David DuBrucq, PDC (3 yrs.)
- Norman Paul Osburn, PCC (3 yrs.)
- Gary Burke (2 yrs.)
- Department Senior Vice Commander: Gary W. Moore, CC/PCC
- Congratulations to our newly Appointed Officers
- Department Assistant Secretary / Treasurer, Daniel T. Girton - Patriotic Instructor: Darrell Ball - Chaplain: Gary Burke - Graves Registration Officer: Richard Holmes, PCC
- Eagle Scout Coordinator: George Michael Huttick - Civil War Memorials Officer: Clyde J. Getman PDC
- Signals Officer: George Andrew Huttick, PDC
- Counselor: Ben Block Jones II, PDC
- Department Assistant Secretary / Treasurer, Daniel T. Girton
- Additional appointments may occur in the following days. It is my intent to focus on the core roles of our Department and Camps as it is clear we need to build depth of roster.
- My focus as Department Commander will be on bringing our Camps together in the bond of Fraternity. To make everyone in the Department feel like they have a place, that their opinion is respected, and that they are heard. We must grow our leadership. We are a bottom-up organization, Camps are the heart of our organization. My hope is that all Department Officers will reach out to their Camp counterparts and provide coaching and help.
- One great resource for your role is the National Another is to reach up to your National counterpart and ask for help and guidance.
- If you are a Department Officer, and the Camp does not have a person in your Assist the camp in the work!
- There remains emphasis on the timely submission of reports by the National Organization. Camps, like Departments may be suspended for failure to submit required reports in a timely fashion. Camp Commanders are asked to work with their Camp Secretaries to ensure completion and submission of required documents. With recent changes made to the CC&R, Department Commanders and Department Secretaries are punished for reports not being submitted in a timely fashion. This will force our hand to act on late reports.
- For planning purposes, the 30th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee is tentatively scheduled for mid-March 2025.
- All previous Department Orders shall remain in effect unless modified or rescinded.
- Brothers are strongly encouraged to attend the National Encampment in Lexington KY and are reminded to submit their pre-registration by clicking the following link: National Encampment Registration
- My contact information is in the letterhead. Email is the preferred contact method, especially during business hours. Phone is appropriate for emergencies.
So ordered this 18th day of March, 2024
Chip Huffman, PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 16-March-2024 12:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2023-2024
29th Department Awards
Brothers of the Department,
It is my pleasure to announce the awards issued during the 29th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee.
- Membership Awards
- Corporal William H. Bell Membership Award – Army of Tennessee Camp #64
- Private Henry Hoover Membership Award – Army of Tennessee Camp #64
- Department Commander Awards
- Award of Service to Department Command
- Brother David M. DuBrucq, PDC
Who provided extensive support and insight to the Department Commander
This Brother served as a sounding board for ideas and direction. His service allowed for a sense of True North for our Department - Brother Michael Downs, PDC
Who provided extensive support and insight to the Department Commander
This Brother served as a sounding board for ideas and direction. His service allowed for a sense of True North for our Department - Brother Ben Block Jones II, PDC
Who provided extensive support for the Department Commander
This Brother served as a sounding board for approach, proper parliamentary procedure, and adherence to process.
- Brother David M. DuBrucq, PDC
- Award of Service to Department Command
- Award of Fraternity to Department Command
- Brother Chip Huffman
Who has exemplified Fraternity to the Department Command. He is a voice of reason. He has exemplified how to fill a role of Department Officer. He has also chosen by some odd quirk of his personality to just ‘hang out’ with the Commander.
- Brother Chip Huffman
- Award of Loyalty to the Department
- Brother Gary M. Burke
Who is the most visible active member of our Department. His engagement with Civil War groups throughout Middle Tennessee and media presence greatly helps our Order and honors the Boys in Blue.
- Brother Gary M. Burke
- Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award
- Daniel T. Girton – Army of Tennessee #64
Brother Dan has been extraordinary in carrying out his duties, more often than not going above and beyond what one would normally expect. He is prompt, contentious and thorough. Brother Dan answers all inquiries promptly and strives for accuracy and detail in everything he does. He is also active in recruiting new members and welcoming then into the fold. Simply put, he works hard for his Camp and Department. Whether in his capacity as Secretary Treasurer or as a volunteer at camp events and re-enactments. If anyone deserves recognition, Brother Dan does!
- Daniel T. Girton – Army of Tennessee #64
So ordered this 16th day of March, 2024
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Special Order #5 – 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 28-December-2023 03:42 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
Special Order #5, 2023-2024
Camp Commanders, Secretaries, Department Officers, Past Department Commanders,
Some reminders:
- Please review Department Order #5 ( regarding Department Encampment. Make sure that this has been forwarded to the Brothers of your Camps.
- Please review Special Order #4. ( To date, I have heard from Sultana Camp #1, Fort Donelson Camp #62 and Army of Tennessee Camp #64 regarding officer elections and installations.
- Congratulations to Br. Edward Phillips who has been installed as Commander of Fort Donelson Camp #62
- Congratulations to Br. David Burchfield who has been installed as Commander of Army of Tennessee Camp #64
- Additionally, one of my goals for this year was to create a document that outlines Hosting a Department Encampment. It is attached ( . I would welcome any additions or edits. Please reply with your thoughts. In my mind, Department (and National) Encampments give us a larger sense of the Order, and the better we host the events, the more Brothers will attend. This will have the added benefit of leading Brothers to leadership at higher levels. The document also goes to address our relationship with the Joseph H. Rider ASUVCW #62, which will be part of our Encampments moving forward. The Camps with Sisters in that Allied Order are already seeing positive benefits to their presence and assistance.
So issued this 27th day of December, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 7-December-2023 03:25 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
Department Order #5, 2023-2024
Brothers of the Department,
It is my pleasure to announce the initial details of the 29th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee.
- The Department Encampment will be held on 16th March 2024 in the greater Nashville area
- My thanks to Fort Donelson Camp #62 for volunteering to host the Encampment
- Details and registration for the Encampment will be issued soon.
- The Department Encampment will occur concurrently with the annual meeting of Joseph H. Rider #62 Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The Auxiliary is a tremendous support to our Order and we a pleased to meet together.
- Nominations open for the Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award of Appreciation. With submissions given by 15 January 2024.
- Department ByLaws Article XVI, §2: The award shall be conferred by the Department Commander upon any individual or entity who, in the judgment of a three-member panel appointed by the Department Commander, has through his/her actions, words, and/or deeds significantly contributed to the furtherance of the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic within the Boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. Recommendations for possible recipients of said award shall be submitted, along with a one-page description of the contribution made, to the Department Secretary / Treasurer no later than two (2) months prior to the annual Department Encampment. Recipients of the award shall be publicly announced and a certificate and/or other appropriate symbol of the award presented at the annual Department of Tennessee Encampment. No more than three (3) recipients shall be selected for the award in any one year.
- Resolutions to come before the Department must be received by 16 Jan 24 (Department By-laws Article III, §5)
- Amendments to the By-Laws to come before the department must be received by 16 Jan 24 (Department By-laws Article XIV, §2)
Brothers interested in running for elected Department Office are encouraged to announce their intentions on the Department Facebook page with a brief commentary of their qualifications. Elected offices are Department Commander, Department Sr. Vice Commander, Department Jr. Vice Commander, Department Secretary / Treasurer, Department Council.
So issued this 6th day of December, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Special Order #4 – 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 25-November-2023 03:18 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
Special Order #4, 2023-2024
Camp Commanders of the Department,
With the end of the calendar year, some housekeeping items:
- The Department Encampment is tentatively set for 16-17 March 2024. More details will be issued later this week.
- At this time of year, we are in the process of nominating / electing and installing Camp officers for the next year. Please let me know what your plans are as I need to appoint an Installation Officer for each of your Camps. The installation officer is charged with:
- Regulation Chapter 1 Article VI Installation
Section 1. Before proceeding with the Installation, the Installing Officer shall require the Camp Treasurer to produce receipt from Department Headquarters for payment of per capita dues in full and all indebtedness due the Department. Failure to comply, the Installing Officer shall have all reports due, prepared, collect and receipt for payment of all indebtedness and induct the officers into their respective offices.
Section 2. Prior to the meeting of a Camp for the Installation of Officers, the Installing Officer shall inspect and examine the books, records, forms, etc. and property of Camp, noting as to correctness, Rituals, Constitution and Regulations, and all necessary details for proper conduct of business, receipt books, dues and credits of Brothers, etc. He shall correct irregularities, impress that the Regulations be observed. He shall make a detailed report thereof to the Department Commander who shall take action for compliance with the Regulations. He shall complete the Installing Officer’s Report (Form 22) before departing and provide the same to the Camp Secretary to be filed with the Department Secretary. This may be legibly handwritten and if so, the Camp Secretary shall type the information and submit both.
- Regulation Chapter 1 Article VI Installation
- With the installation of officers, it’s a great time to get Form 22 filled out and submitted. There is no reason to delay sending this in to the Department Secretary. As noted in Regulation above, it can be legibly handwritten. The installation officer can sign it at the installation. And, the roster of your Camp is not what it will be, it is what it is right now.
- IF your Camp financial year ends on 31 December, then the deadline to update the Camp’s 990N is 15 May. However, the earliest that it can be updated is 01 January. There is no reason to wait until the deadline – this is something that is easily done online as soon as you can! EIN Statuses per the IRS are shown as an attachment
- Don’t know what to answer when family asks “What do you want for Christmas?” A life membership would be a great gift!
So issued this 25th day of November, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Special Order #3 – 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 13-August-2023 03:10 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
Special Order #3, 2023-2024
Brothers of the Department,
The 142nd National Encampment of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War concluded 5 August 2023. Br. Chip Huffman, Department Sr. Vice Commander and I had the privilege of attending. There is a lot of activity that happens at these Encampments. Things that you think will be contentious sometimes aren’t; and thing you think will easily pass can take longer than expected. Below are some highlights that I captured that may be of interest. THIS is not an inclusive list! There was many other actions. Changes to regulation shown below are subject to the actual published reg (e.g. typos and other wording may get corrected)
- Special Committee to Review Membership Qualifications:
- The recommendations that were presented at our Department Encampment (and others) regarding the definition of “male” were presented as a change to our Constitution.
- The recommendations were further word smithed and passed.
- As these are changes to Constitution, they must be ratified by the Departments. We will be receiving instructions on that soon.
- It may be necessary to hold a Special Department Encampment to act on these. I will determine the course once we have the packets from National.
- Regulation changes (do not need ratification by the Departments)
- Chapter I, Article V. 9 – changed to:
“All officers and committee members of a Camp shall promptly turn over to their successors all the property of the Camp in their possession, taking receipts, therefore. - Chapter II, Article IV. § 6– changed to:
- “All officers and committee members of a Department shall promptly turn over to their successors all the property of the Camp in their possession, taking receipts, therefore.
- Chapter I, Article II. § 5– changed to:
A Brother holding a Camp or Department Transfer Card cannot be admitted to any Camp of Encampment during its sessions unless given permission by vote of said Camp or Encampment. He is a Brother of the Order for purposes of Discipline only, and shall be considered honorably discharged if the card is not deposited with and accepted by some Camp within a year. A Brother thus discharged can be admitted to membership again only in the same manner as an applicant for original membership. - Chapter V, Article V. § d. Form 4 – changed to:
Transfer Card Form, Camp Retention Only. Must be retained for no less than three (3) years. National Retains Permanently as part of the Membership History. - Chapter I, Article V. § 4– changed to:
Any vacancy in an elected office shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Camp Council. The Camp shall temporarily, until filled by the Camp Council, fill the vacant office by the officer next in rank. A Brother does not have to accept the temporary position. Rank of officers at the Camp level are:- Commander
- Sr. Vice Commander
- Jr. Vice Commander
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Chair of the Camp Council
- Member of the Camp Council (longest serving Brother has priority, if two competing, then alphabetically, beginning with A)
- Currently serving National Officer
- Currently serving Department Officer
- Past Commander-in-Chief
- Past Department Commander
- Past Camp Commander
- Chapter I, Article V. 9 – changed to:
- Chapter I, Article XI. § 3– changed to:
Camp must purchase all official supplies from the National Quartermaster- Note: It was asked that walt “official supplies” be listed.
- Chapter V, Article XIII Branded Merchandise–new:
Departments, Camps, and Brothers must purchase all Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War branded merchandise from the National Quartermaster of from Departments and Camps which have received permission from the National Organization to sell branded merchandise.
- National Encampments
- 2024 – Department of Kentucky
- Lexington KY 1-4 August 2024
- 2025 – Department of Texas / Louisiana
- 2026 – Department of New York
- 2024 – Department of Kentucky
- Sons of Veterans Reserve
- Some minor changes to regulation. Most interesting point – SVR Regs must be changed by Encampment NOT by the SVR leadership.
- General Orders 24 and 24A regarding Weapons Restrictions were overturned at the National Encampment.
- Note: Any General Order that is not addressed at the next National Encampment becomes part of our regulation (although it’s not in the reg.) Without this action, the General Orders would have been the ongoing position of the Order.
So issued this 13th day of August, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 13-August-2023 03:05 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2023-2024
Brothers of the Department,
For many years, the Department has bantered the topic of hosting a National Encampment. To this end, our Department per Capita was raised to $5 to develop seed money for that effort. We have heard many rumors and conjecture of what it will take to host a National Encampment.
1. I am appointing the Sr. Vice Commander, Chip Huffman, to lead efforts to determine what it specifically takes to host a National Encampment. He is to report his findings to the next regularly held Department Encampment
2. Brother Huffman may call on others within the Department to help him in this effort. This is NOT a commitment for us to host an Encampment! This is fact-finding mission. A motion to host a National Encampment must be a vote of the Department at an Encampment.
So ordered this 17th day of July, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Special Order #2 – 2023 – 2024
GAHuttick : 16-July-2023 02:56 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
SPECIAL ORDER # 2, 2023-2024
Brothers of the Department,
Over the past several months, we have had multiple requests to start new Camps within the Department. As this topic keeps coming up, I wanted to clarify my position on this matter.
- I am not opposed to new Camps within the Department. Clearly, we have added one during my tenure.
- I do want to see new Camps succeed.
- I want existing Camps to be healthy.
It is the onerous duty of the Department Commander to balance these factors.
Regarding Camp Health
This has been a primary focus of my tenure. Of the five Camps in the Department, I perceive one Camp as very healthy, one Camp as being reasonably healthy, and three Camps potentially unhealthy. When I look at the Camps in recent years that have failed, they have failed due to lack of depth of leadership. The strongest Camp we have has significant depth of leadership. Camps without knowledgeable leadership, and depth of leadership struggle.
Camp locations:
Figure 1 (Below) shows where we have the most members. It also shows other individuals, particularly the Brothers we lost with McTeer Camp folding, and Brothers who live within our boundaries that belong to other Departments. Realistically, there are always “paper” or “ghost” Brothers in a Camp. YET, when we consider Camp health, these members do not typically add to the health and leadership of the Camp.
East Tennessee remains a concern for me. Yet, it is clear that there are few Brothers living in that area right now, and many are scattered.
What does it take to start a Camp?
A solid core group of Brothers. In my opinion, at least one Brother who has been in the Order for enough time to know how we function (this is the person who is generally appointed as Camp Organizer, and usually becomes a member of the Camp).
The core group needs to be committed to getting the Camp off the ground. One of our failed Camps of the past few years was Brothers who never learned the basics of the Order. When their Camp Organizer passed away, no one was versed enough nor desired to step up to lead. At a minimum, the core group needs to really take time to learn what the Commander Sr Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Patriotic Instructor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplain roles do and be committed to performing these duties. Some thought should go to succession planning of the roles from the beginning.
The group needs a plan. Beyond leadership, Camps that thrive do more than just have a regular business meeting. The Camp needs to pick its “thing”. Examples are: hosting speakers, cemetery and grave restoration work, etc. Preferably, it will include being visible in the community. Visibility leads to additional membership.
The plan should include by-laws, a plan to fund the Camp (and build reserves).
There are other considerations, and they are included in an email I sent to some Brothers in early June (below).
Please feel free to ask clarifying questions.
So ordered this 16th day of July, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
figure 1. Locations of Camps and various members within the boundaries of the Department of Tennessee
DTN (Blue) = Department of Tennessee Member
McTeer (Red) = Brothers from McTeer Camp 39 lost last year
NDTN (Orange) = Brothers who are part of another Department, yet reside within our Department
Stars = locations of current Camps
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 25-June-2023 02:50 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2023-2024
Brothers of the Department,
Brothers of the Department, The Department Secretary / Treasurer has informed me that Sultana Camp #1 has submitted their Annual Strength Report (Form 27) and per capitas for National and Department. By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Mississippi of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, the National Constitution and Regulations it is hereby ordered as follows: Having filed the outstanding paperwork, Sultana Camp #1 is reinstated and may resume their normal activities.
So ordered this 25th day of June, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2023-2024
GAHuttick : 7-June-2023 02:44 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2023-2024
Brothers of the Department,
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Mississippi of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, the National Constitution and Regulations (Chapter I Camps, Article 1 Formation, §15-16), it is hereby ordered as follows:
The Department Secretary / Treasurer has informed me that Sultana Camp #1 has failed to submit their Annual Strength Report (Form 27) and per capitas for National and Department. These were due by 30 April 2023. By Charter, Constitution, and Regulation, the Camp was automatically suspended. I am officially placing the Camp under suspension, and the Camp Commander has been informed verbally.
This Camp will be brought back in good standing at such time the delinquent report and fees are received by the Department Secretary / Treasurer and confirmed to the Department Commander. While under suspension, Camp may not meet or conduct business except for that activity to bring the Camp back in good standing. In addition, members of the Camp who would be delegates to the National Encampment will not be seated (with the exception of Past Department Commanders). With the National Encampment nearing, the affected Camp is strongly encouraged to submit the delinquent report and fees as soon as possible so that their standing with the Department and National organization may be restored.
So ordered this 7 day of June, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Special Order #1 – 2023 – 2024
GAHuttick : 29-March-2023 02:03 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
SPECIAL ORDER # 1, 2023-2024
Camp Commanders and Secretaries,
With the change in Department Officers, and in an attempt to make sure that there is a swift transition of duties, I ask you to be aware of the following:
- Our Department Secretary/Treasurer is Br. Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
2510 HWY 301 South
Hernando, MS 38632
- Our Department Secretary/Treasurer is Br. Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
- All Camp Reports should be sent to Br. Skip for processing.
- Form 27: Camp Annual Report is due with National and Department per capitas on 30 April 2023. Note: This is NOT postmarked by 30 April, this is a deadline. After 30 April, Br. Skip will be working on Form 35: Department Annual Report. Having personally filled out this report, it is tedious. Essentially, he will be adding up all of the Camp 27’s and making sure that your Camp math and the Department math adds up. Often it does not. Give him time to do his work. If your report is late, I may need to suspend your Camp.[1]
- Department per capita remains at $5 per Brother. National per capita is $33 and is shown on the current Form 27. Please use the current form.
- Form 30’s should be processed monthly and not turned in just once a year. As the year progresses, please send them in a timely manner.
So ordered this 29th day of March, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
[1] The CC&R Regulation: Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 16 AND Chapter 3, Article 5, Section 1 requires the Department Commander to suspend your Camp Charter for failure to timely submit.
Department Order #1 – 2023 – 2024
GAHuttick : 28-March-2023 02:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2023-2024
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
- My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 28th Annual Encampment in Murfreesboro. I am honored to serve as your Department Commander. I am humbled by your continued trust in my leadership
- Congratulations are in order for our newly elected officers
- Department Senior Vice Commander: Chip Huffman, CC/PCC - Department Junior Vice Commander: Gary W. Moore, PCC - Secretary/Treasurer: Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC - Department Council:
- David M. DuBrucq, PDC (1 yr.)
- Dan Griton (1 yrs.)
- Gary Burke (3 yr)
- Congratulations to our newly appointed officers
- Department Assistant Secretary / Treasurer, Gary W. Moore, PCC
- Patriotic Instructor: David M. DuBrucq, PDC - Chaplain: Jerry Hayes
- Graves Registration Officer: Darrell Ball
- Eagle Scout Coordinator: George Michael Huttick - Counselor – Ben Block Jones, II, PDC
- Color Bearer: Tommy Phillips, PCC
- Guard: Bill Heard, PCC
- Guide/Registrar: Mark Kemp, PCC
- Additional appointments may occur in the following days. It is my intent to focus on the
core roles of our Department and Camps as it is clear we need to build depth of roster. I consider the core roles to be: Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Secretary, Treasurer, Patriotic Instructor and Chaplain. Without these roles our Camps and Department does not function well
- As discussed at Encampment, my focus as Department Commander will be growing our leadership. We are a bottom-up organization, Camps are the heart of our organization. That being said, National and Department have a responsibility to help train and coach downward. My expectation is that all Department Officers will reach out to their Camp counterparts and provide coaching and help. Follow the principle:
- Just do it. If you aren’t absolutely sure what you’re supposed to be doing, just ask.
One great resource for your role is the National website. Another is to reach up to your National counterpart and ask for help and guidance.
If you are a Department Officer, and the Camp does not have a person in your role. Assist the camp in the work!
- There remains emphasis on the timely submission of reports by the National Organization. Camps, like Departments may be suspended for failure to submit required reports in a timely fashion. Camp Commanders are asked to work with their Camp Secretaries to assure completion and submission of required documents. With changes made to the CC&R last year, Department Commanders and Department Secretaries are punished for reports not being submitted in a timely fashion. This will force our hand to act on late reports.
- I am currently looking for a Camp to host the Department Encampment next year. I encourage Camps to reach out to me if they are interested.
- All previous Department Orders shall remain in effect unless modified or rescinded.
- Brothers who are attending the National Encampment in Nashua NH are reminded to submit their pre-registration.
- My contact information is in the letterhead. Email is the preferred contact method, especially during business hours. Phone is appropriate for emergency. Social Media is the worst way to contact me, and may not get a response.
So ordered this 28th day of March, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
SPECIAL ORDER # 5, 2022-2023 Department Officer Nominating Committee
GAHuttick : 14-February-2023 01:57 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
SPECIAL ORDER # 5, 2022-2023 Department Officer Nominating Committee
Past Department Commanders, Past Camp Commanders, Camp Commanders and Secretaries,
Br. Dave DuBrucq has issued the following Nominations for Elected Department Officers to server 2023-2024.
- Department Commander – George Andrew Huttick, DC (Sultana Camp #1 / Fort Donelson Camp #62)
- Department Sr. Vice Commander – Chip Huffman, CC (Fort Donelson Camp #62)
- Department Jr. Vice Commander – Gary Wayne Moore, PCC (Sultana Camp #1)
- Department Secretary / Treasurer – <no recommendations>
- Department Council
- One opening – <no recommendation>
- Dave DuBrucq, PDC, and Br. Dan Girton both have one year left on their three year terms
Having received the Nominating Committee report, I release them from their duties.
I will also accept your considerations for the appointed officers:
- Patriotic Instructor currently: Br. Dave DuBrucq, PDC (AoT 64)
- Chaplain currently: Br. Gary Burke (FDC 62)
- Graves Registration Officer currently: Br. Darrell Ball (FDC 62)
- Eagle Scout Coordinator currently: Br. George Michael Huttick (FDC 62)
- Civil War Memorial Officer currently: <empty> due to the passing of Br. Sam Gant, PDC
- Color Bearer currently: Br. Tommy Phillips (AoT 64)
- Guard currently: Br. Bill Heard, PCC (AoT 64)
- Guide currently: Br. Mark Kemp, PCC (MR 63)
- Asst Secretary / Treasurer currently: Br. Scott Holmes (FDC 62)
(has aske to be relieved from service)
Service in the appointed roles helps us to develop leaders to serve and gain experience for larger Department exposure.
Ordered this 13th day of February 2023.
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Amended Special Order #4 – Business for the 28th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee
GAHuttick : 13-February-2023 12:00 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
SPECIAL ORDER # 4, 2022-2023
Business for the 28th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee
Past Department Commanders, Past Camp Commanders, Camp Commanders and Secretaries,
Some business that is determined for the upcoming Department Encampment:
- Updates to our By-Laws.
- Changes approved at the 26th Department Encampment were forwarded to National for the signature of the Commander-in-Chief. With one exception, the changes were not in question. There were other issues brought up at that time.
- A draft of the changes based on the Commander-in-Chief’s comments was not available for the 27th Department Encampment, due to the requirement of 60 days notice to the Camps.
- The Sr. Vice Commander, as chair of the By-Laws committee has provided a draft for this Encampment. The draft is available on the Department website here: - As the previous changes were already approved by a previous encampment, we will only address the changes that the By-Laws committee are proposing.
- Statement on National Per Capita increase
- Army of Tennessee brings a resolution to the Department regarding the National Per Capita increase. My understanding is that they would ask the Department to adopt this resolution and forward it as communication to National.
- The resolution may be found here:
- Resolution to Adopt the Final Report of the National Special Committee on Membership Qualification
- Ben Block Jones II, PDC will bring forth a resolution to Adopt the Final Report of the National Special Committee on Membership
- At the 2022 National Encampment, the Encampment voted to establish the current Special Committee on Membership Qualifications as a follow- on to the original committee charged to develop recommendations for the 2023 National Encampment regarding membership qualifications.
- Jones will ask for a suspension of the rules by unanimous acclamation so that we can discuss the resolution without the sixty-day notice.
- Associated documents are found here:
- Ben Block Jones II, PDC will bring forth a resolution to Adopt the Final Report of the National Special Committee on Membership
Camp Commanders and Secretaries, please forward this information to your Delegates so they may come to Encampment informed and prepared.
Amended this 13th day of February 2023.
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 8, 2022-2023 – Passing of Br. Sam Gant, PDC
GAHuttick : 20-January-2023 03:52 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 8, 2022-2023
- It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother Samuel C. Gant, Past Department Commander.
- Br. Sam was a Past Camp Commander of Fort Donelson Camp #62. While in that office he rejuvenated a Camp that had become less active, bringing it back to good health. He had a huge skill in being able to get others involved in the Camp and in the Department. He was also talented in getting the Order publicity – and ensuring that it had the optics. Often, he would find ways to have the father and son imagery involved to emphasize the hereditary nature of our work. Br. Sam continued this leadership and was our Department Commander on two different occasions.
- Sam led and promoted many other activities in Middle Tennessee to promote history and Civil War preservation. He was proud of his Union ancestry, with his grandfather and at least six grand-uncles serving in the U.S. Army. Br. Sam also served our country in the U.S. Air Force.
- With the passing of our very good friend and beloved brother, I order the Department Charter, all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black. Please keep Br. Gant’s family and friends, his Camp, and community in your prayers and thoughts. He will be sincerely missed by all.
- This order shall remain in effect for thirty days.
Ordered this 19 day of January 2023.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Special Order #4 – Business for the 28th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee
GAHuttick : 16-January-2023 19:09 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
SPECIAL ORDER # 4, 2022-2023
Business for the 28th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee
Past Department Commanders, Past Camp Commanders, Camp Commanders and Secretaries,
Some business that is determined for the upcoming Department Encampment:
- Updates to our By-Laws.
- Changes approved at the 26th Department Encampment were forwarded to National for the signature of the Commander-in-Chief. With one exception, the changes were not in question. There were other issues brought up at that time.
- A draft of the changes based on the Commander-in-Chief’s comments was not available for the 27th Department Encampment, due to the requirement of 60 days notice to the Camps.
- The Sr. Vice Commander, as chair of the By-Laws committee has provided a draft for this Encampment. The draft is available on the Department website here: - As the previous changes were already approved by a previous encampment, we will only address the changes that the By-Laws committee are proposing.
- Statement on National Per Capita increase
- Army of Tennessee brings a resolution to the Department regarding the National Per Capita increase. My understanding is that they would ask the Department to adopt this resolution and forward it as communication to National.
- The resolution may be found here:
Camp Commanders and Secretaries, please forward this information to your Delegates so they may come to Encampment informed and prepared.
Ordered this 16th day of January 2023.
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 7, 2022-2023 – Department Encampment
GAHuttick : 2-January-2023 02:03 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 7, 2022-2023
28th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee
This is an extension of Department Order #6, which detailed the early notification of the annual Encampment. Please re-read that Department Order for additional context.
- The 28th Department Encampment will be held at Shiloh National Battlefield on the 18th of March 2023.
As our business meeting rarely takes all day, the intent is to meet, have lunch, and then there are other events in the works. We will be spending time with the new Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War as they come into existence. We are hoping some to take some time to honor the Boys in Blue who fought at Shiloh. We are planning an informal dinner on Saturday night near the park (target: Hagy’s Catfish Hotel). An agenda will be sent out prior to the Encampment. The Department Council will meet prior to the Encampment (either the morning of, or virtually beforehand).
- Registration for the Encampment is beginning effective this order.
- A Registration Form is attached to this Order, and will be posted on the Department website. Registrations should be sent to:
SUVCW Department
c/o Gary Wayne Moore, Secretary / Treasurer
4583 Craddle Hill Dr
Bartlett TN 38002 - A block of rooms has been made available at The Holiday Inn Express, 2106 US Hwy 72W, Corinth, MS 38835 [662.287.1407]. Twenty rooms have been allotted at a rate of $114 per night. The rate may decrease with market rate over time, yet we are secure that it will not be above this if you get a reservation prior to 17 February 2023. To take advantage of the rate, tell them you are with the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. The discount code is “CIVIL WAR”. You must call the local number
- A Registration Form is attached to this Order, and will be posted on the Department website. Registrations should be sent to:
- If there are agenda items from Brothers and the Camps, please begin forwarding them to the Department Secretary / Treasurer (
- One purpose of the meeting will be to make revisions to our By-Laws as requested by National. These will be issued as a pre-read in the coming weeks.
- David DuBrucq, PDC remains head of a nominating committee for Department Officers for 2023-2024. The remainder of the committee shall be the Camp Commanders (including the future Capt. Asa N. “Black Hawk” Hays Camp #81). Brothers who are interested in an elected or appointed Department role should contact Br. DuBrucq ( to help the committee in their work.
- Camp Commanders are instructed to provide a list of delegates and alternates for their Camps to the Department Secretary by 04 March 2023. The count of delegates per Camp is outlined in the CC&R Chapter II, Article II, 1 (a) (b) (c) (d). Camp Secretaries should issue delegate cards prior.
Ordered this 2nd day of January 2023.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Location of Encampment: Shiloh National Military Park Education Building, located at the North side of the park (near 4730 TN-22N, Shiloh TN – it’s ON HWY 22 – NOT IN THE PARK!): |
Department Order #5, 2022 – 2023
GAHuttick : 12-July-2022 00:07 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2022-2023
- It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother John Everett Anderson, Past Department Commander. He died Tuesday, 10 May 2022.
2. Br. Anderson was our third Department Commander (1998-1999). John was a Life Member of the Order. He was Camp Commander of Farragut Camp #6. John served on several National committees, including the Real Sons and Daughters. His wife, Sarah, is a Past Tent President of the Daughters of Union Veteran of the Civil War (Tent #2 Mother Bickerdyke)
3. With the passing of our brother, I order the Department Charter, all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black. Please keep Br. Anderson’s family and friends, and community in your prayers and thoughts. He will be sincerely missed by all.
- This order shall remain in effect for thirty days.
Ordered this 12th day of July 2022.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #4, 2022 – 2023
GAHuttick : 25-May-2022 01:35 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2022-2023
1. It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother Geoffrey Crawford Hintze, Past Department Commander. He died Monday, 16 May 2022. He was a member of Private Richard Taylor Camp #53 which became part of the Department of Alabama several years ago.
2. Br. Geoff was our Secretary / Treasurer for most of our history serving in either one or both of those roles (2003, 2009-2018). Arguably this is the hardest and most understated function – and keeps our order moving. He was our Department Commander in 2006 and 2007. He also held every other elected role within the Department. For many years, he was our Department Historian. Few have served our Department and order with such commitment.
3. With the passing of our very good friend and beloved brother, I order the Department Charter, all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black. Please keep Br. Hintze’s family and friends, his Camp, and community in your prayers and thoughts. He will be sincerely missed by all.
4. This order shall remain in effect for thirty days.
Ordered this 24th day of May.
In Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #3, 2022 – 2023
GAHuttick : 9-May-2022 01:24 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2022-2023
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
I am saddened to issue this Department Order.
1. I have been informed by Br Richard Holmes, CC of Maj. William Anderson McTeer Camp #39, Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War that the Camp has decided to cease functioning.
2. With this decision, I order the following:
a. Sr. Vice Commander, Chip Huffman, CC, work with the leadership of the Camp to
surrender all assets and have those assets transferred to the National Organization.
i. This is including the Camp Charter,
ii. Financial Assets,
iii. Other tangible assets
b. Sr. Vice Commander, Chip Huffman, CC, also gain control of any existing electronic
i. Examples: websites, Facebook accounts, etc.
c. Sr. Vice Commander, Chip Huffman, CC, hold in trust any awards or assets that
belong to the Department, that may currently be in the Camp’s possession.
i. Examples: Awards, Files, etc.
d. Jr. Vice Commander, Richard “Skip” Rexroade work with the Brothers of the retiring
Camp to find them homes in our existing Camps.
i. I would ask the Commanders and Brothers of Missionary Ridge Camp #63
and Army of Tennessee Camp #64 to extend fraternal relations to these
Brothers, as those Camps are the most likely locations.
ii. That the Department Secretary / Treasurer, Gary Moore, CC and Camp
Secretary / Treasurers assist with the creating of Form 4’s, 6’s, and 30’s as
necessary to help retain these Brothers in the Order. We need to make sure
paperwork does not lose us a Brother!
3. The loss of a Camp within our Department is a loss for all of us. The Order grows with us having healthy Camps with healthy leadership and active members. It takes all of us to join together to make our Camps and Department work and thrive.
So ordered this 9th day of May, 2022
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #2, 2022 – 2023
GAHuttick : 5-April-2022 02:14 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2022-2023
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
I would like to congratulate the following Brothers on the Department Awards issued at the 27th Annual Department Encampment.
- Mike Downs, PDC. Department Commander Award
For his willingness to serve the Department of Tennessee and for his advice and support of the Department Commander and his dedicated commitment to our Order. For Mike’s dedication to the Order and his efforts to support both the National Order and the Department after the passing of Br. McReynolds. Without his support, we would have been delayed longer in getting our affairs back in order.
- Darrell Ball, Department of Tennessee Brother of the Year
For his diligent efforts in locating Union graves in the Department of Tennessee and for his participation and support of Civil War observances throughout the Department.
- Commendations
- Clyde Getman, PDC
- Gary Burke
So ordered this 5th day of April, 2022
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #1, 2022 – 2023
GAHuttick : 5-April-2022 02:04 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 404.374.7442 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2022-2023
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
- My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 27th Annual Encampment in Murfreesboro. I am honored to serve as your Department Commander.
- Congratulations are in order for our newly elected officers
- Department Senior Vice Commander: Chip Huffman, CC/PCC - Department Junior Vice Commander: Richard “Skip” Rexroade, PCC - Secretary/Treasurer: Gary W. Moore, CC - Department Council:
- David M. DuBrucq, PDC (2 yr.)
- Dan Griton (2 yrs.)
- Gary Burke (1 yr)
- Congratulations to our newly appointed officers
- Department Assistant Secretary / Treasurer, Scott Holmes, PCC
- Patriotic Instructor: David M. DuBrucq, PDC - Chaplain: Gary Burke
- Graves Registration Officer: Darrell Ball
- Eagle Scout Coordinator: George Michael Huttick - Civil War Memorials Officer: Sam Gant PDC
- Color Bearer: Tommy Phillips, PCC
- Guard: Bill Heard, PCC
- Guide/Registrar: Mark Kemp, PCC
- Additional appointments may occur in the following days. It is my intent to focus on the
core roles of our Department and Camps as it is clear we need to build depth of roster.
- As discussed at Encampment, my focus as Department Commander will be growing our leadership. We are a bottom-up organization, Camps are the heart of our organization. That being said, National and Department have a responsibility to help train and coach downward. My expectation is that all Department Officers will reach out to their Camp counterparts and provide coaching and help. Follow the principle:
- Just do it. If you aren’t absolutely sure what you’re supposed to be doing, just ask.
One great resource for your role is the National website. Another is to reach up to your National counterpart and ask for help and guidance.
If you are a Department Officer, and the Camp does not have a person in your role. Assist the camp in the work!
It appears that we will be down 2 Camps in the past two years. With their losses, as well as cleaning up the roles we are down 40% in membership. We need to turn this trend.
- There remains emphasis on the timely submission of reports by the National Organization. Camps, like Departments may be suspended for failure to submit required reports in a timely fashion. Camp Commanders are asked to work with their Camp Secretaries to assure completion and submission of required documents. With changes made to the C&R last year, Department Commanders and Department Secretaries are punished for reports not being submitted in a timely fashion. This will force our hand to act on late reports.
- For planning purposes, the 28th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee is tentatively set for mid-March 2023. Desired location is Shiloh Tennessee. Selection is not based on my residence, yet on a wish to go somewhere new and different and to get a larger attendance.
- All previous Department Orders shall remain in effect unless modified or rescinded.
- Brothers who are attending the National Encampment in Grand Rapids MI are reminded to submit their pre-registration.
- My contact information is in the letterhead. Email is the preferred contact method, especially during business hours. Phone is appropriate for emergency.
So ordered this 5th day of April, 2022
George Andrew Huttick
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
GAHuttick : 5-March-2022 01:12 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Email: |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2021-2922
- The 27th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, will be conducted on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022, at the MTSU Heritage Center, 225 West College Street, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The Encampment will begin promptly at 9:00AM.
- SVR Members are encouraged to wear Federal Uniform to the Encampment.
- This year’s registration fee will be $30.00 and should be submitted by March 25, 2022. Make checks payable to Army of the Tennessee Camp 64 and send to David M, DuBrucq, 509 Blueridge Drive, Murfreesboro, TN 37129-7838.
- Hotel accommodations will be at the Holiday Inn, 1453 Silohill Ln, Murfreesboro, TN 37129. The rate is $169.00 which includes breakfast. Call 615-750-5300 for reservations using code: Sons of Union Veterans.
- Several nearby restaurants are within walking distance of the Heritage Center for lunch.
- Camp Commanders are reminded that Camp Annual Reports are due by 25th March 2022. You may submit these reports electronically to the Department Commander at
- The Nominating committee has recommended the following to serve as officers for the 2022-2023 term: Department Commander: George A. Huttick PCC, Senior Vice Commander: Chip Huffman CC, Junior Vice Commander: Open, nominations from the floor, Secretary/Treasurer: Gary W. Moore, Asst Secretary Treasurer: Scott Holmes, Camp Council: David DuBrucq PDC as Immediate Past Commander. If you are interested in Department Office, contact the Department Commander.
- Registration Form is attached to this General Order for your convenience.
- So 0rdered the 2nd of March 2022
David M. DuBrucq
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2021-2022
GAHuttick : 4-January-2022 02:45 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Email: |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2021-2922
2 January 2022
1. It is with sincere regret that I must report to you the death of Real Son and Life Member John Wilson Oliver, Jr. who passed away on November 21st, 2021, at the age of 96 years.
2. Brother Oliver was a member of the Major William McTeer Camp 39 of the Department of Tennessee. Brother Oliver was a resident of Morristown, Tennessee at the time of his passing.
3. Brother Oliver was the son of John Oliver Wilson Sr, Private, Company F, 4th Tennessee Infantry which was later reorganized as the 1st Tennessee Cavalry. The Unit was engaged most notably in the Battles of Franklin and Nashville and the pursuit of General John Bell Hood. Private Oliver was discharged on August 2nd, 1865.
4. Brother Oliver was an honored guest at the re-interment service and graveside ceremonies of the Battle of Franklin unknown soldier in October of 2009.
5. The Department of Tennessee extends to the family and friends, as well as to the members of Major William McTeer Camp 39, our most sincere condolences.
6. In Remembrance of Real Son and Brother John Oliver Jr. the Department Charter, All Camp Charters shall be draped in black and a black mourning ribbon will be attached to membership badges.
7. This order shall remain in effect until January 31st, 2022
Ordered this 2nd Day of January, 2022
David M. DuBrucq
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2021-2022
GAHuttick : 9-December-2021 02:39 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Email: |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2021-2922
1. In accordance with the regulations of the Sons of Union Veterans and the Department of Tennessee, Notice is hereby given of the 27th Annual Department Encampment.
2. The Encampment shall be held on Saturday, April 2nd, 2022, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee at the MTSU Heritage Center of Murfreesboro, 225 West College Street, Murfreesboro Tennessee.
3. Registration will open at 8:30 AM and the Encampment will start promptly at 9:00 AM.
4. All Interested parties are asked to make note of and save the date and time.
5. Announcements will be made as to hotel accommodations, National Officer attendance and other pertinent details not later than 15 February, 2022.
So ordered this 9th day of December, 2021
David M. DuBrucq
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2021-2022
GAHuttick : 17-November-2021 01:55 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Email: |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2021-2922
Appointment of 2022 Department Officer Nominating Committee
This Department Order will serve as notice to the Brothers of the Department of Tennessee of the appointment of the Nominating Committee for the selection of the Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and officers for the 2022 year. Election of Officers will be held in April at the Annual Department Encampment.
PDC Michael Downs is hereby appointed as Chairman of the Nominating Committee. PDC Downs will contact members of the committee to advise them of meeting schedules.
The slate of Nominees will be presented to the Department Commander and the Department Secretary-Treasurer by no later than March 1, 2022.
Members who are interested in serving as an officer in the Department are encouraged to contact their camp’s nominating committee representative and notify him of the office you are interested in.
Nominations will be for the following: Department Commander, Department Senior Vice Commander, Department Junior Vice Commander, Department Secretary-Treasurer, Department Asst. Secretary- Treasurer and Department Council.
All other officers will be appointed by newly elected Department Commander.
Nominating Committee Members shall be as follows:
- Chairman PDC Mike Downs
- Sultana Camp 1: Richard Rexroade
- Missionary Ridge Camp 63: Nick Norwood
- Fort Donelson Camp 62 Chip Huffman
- Maj. Wm McTeer Camp 39 Richard Holmes
- Army of the Tennessee Camp 64 Tommy Phillips
So ordered this 12 Day of November, 2021 David M. DuBrucq PCC Commander Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
David M. DuBrucq PCC
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W. Moore
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2021-2022
GAHuttick : 7-June-2021 00:24 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Email: |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2021-2922
1. Andrew Johnson Camp 70, Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War has failed to comply with the documentation requirements set forth in and required by the National Constitution and Regulations of the Sons of Union Veterans.
2. Andrew Johnson Camp 70, Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War has failed to file and IRS Form 990 for three consecutive years.
3. As a consequence of this inaction, I have the sad duty to suspend Andrew Johnson Camp 70 until these requirements are met.
4. Should Andrew Johnson Camp 70, after a being given reasonable time period to act, fail to resolve these issues, they will be stricken from Department rolls and required to surrender their charter and all Camp property as required by the Constitution and Regulations of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
David M. DuBrucq PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2021-2022
GAHuttick : 24-May-2021 01:49 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Email: |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2021-2922
The preferred method of communication shall be by electronic mail.
- My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 26th Annual Encampment in Murfreesboro. Special thanks to Department Secretary/Treasurer, Now Department Senior Vice Commander George A. Huttick for all the work he did to make things go as smoothly as possible. Brother Huttick has been as Secretary/Treasurer and will continue to be as Department Senior Vice Commander a decided asset to this Department.
- It was my pleasure to award Brother Richard Holmes with the Charles Henry Engle Memorial Award of Appreciation for his work in locating and restoring Union soldier graves. Congratulations Brother Holmes!
- Congratulations to Department Senior Vice Commander George A. Huttick for being the recipient of the first annual Department Commander’s Award for his outstanding work as Department Secretary Treasurer.
- Congratulations are in order for our newly elected officers
- Dept. Senior Vice Commander: George A. Huttick PCC
- Department Junior Vice Commander: Chip Huffman CC
- Secretary/Treasurer: Gary W. Moore
- Asst Secretary/Treasurer: Scott Holmes
- Department Council:
- James W. “Bill” Heard PCC (1 yr.)
- Gary Burke (2 yrs.)
- George Lane (2 yrs.)
- Congratulations to our newly appointed officers
- Patriotic Instructor: Open (Volunteers for this office are being sought)
- Chaplain: Gary Burke
- Graves Registration Officer: Richard Holmes
- Historian: Clyde Getman PDC
- Counselor: Ben Jones PDC
- Eagle Scout Coordinator: George A. Huttick PCC
- Civil War Memorials Officer: Sam Gant PDC
- Color Bearer: Tommy Phillips, PCC
- Guard: Bill Heard, PCC
- Guide/Registrar: Dan Girton
- Signals Officer: George Andrew Huttick, PCC
- My most humble thanks to the Brothers of the Department of Tennessee for re-electing me as your Department of Tennessee Commander for the full term of 2021-2022. It will be my honor to serve you.
- Our primary emphasis for the 2021-2022 year will be on recovery from the pandemic and a return to in-person meetings whenever possible. This will include a return to public events in which our local camps can participate. We will also double our efforts to increase membership, especially of younger members who will carry on our traditions. Offer your services to local leaders by advising them you are ready and willing to serve the community.
- As we enter the new Department Year, the importance of the Camp Patriotic Instructors and the Department Patriotic Instructor cannot be over emphasized. Please do all you can to assist them in you Camp and Department.
- A new emphasis has been placed on the timely submission of reports by the National Organization. Camps, like Departments may be suspended for failure to submit required reports in a timely fashion. Camp Commanders are asked to work with their Camp Secretaries to assure completion and submission of required documents.
- For planning purposes, the 27th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee is tentatively scheduled for April 2nd, 2022.
- All previous Department Orders shall remain in effect unless modified or rescinded.
- Brothers who are attending the National Encampment in St. Louis are reminded to submit their pre-registration to Brother Joe Hall:
So ordered this 30th day of April, 2021
David M. DuBrucq PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Gary W Moore
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 8, 2020-2021 – Department Encampment
GAHuttick : 13-March-2021 01:15 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 8, 2020-2021
Department Encampment
All Brothers are invited and encouraged to attend the Department Encampment. This is a time of fraternity, and considering the distancing of the past year, a time when we can renew old friendships and make new ones.
- The following are the details for the 26th Department of Tennessee Encampment.
- Department Encampment is scheduled for 17 April 2021 beginning promptly at 9:00 am
- The Encampment will be held at The Heritage Center, 225 W College Street, Murfreesboro.
- The event hotel will be Holiday Inn, 1453 Silohill Ln, Murfreesboro. Rate is $111.00 per night + Tax
- Code is SUVCW.
- Please contact the hotel at 615-751-5300 to make reservations.
- A Registration Fee will be $40.00 per attendee (includes $10.50 for Medal) and must be made by 01 April 2021
- The registration form is posted on the Departmental Website:
- Lunch is available on an individual basis from several good restaurants within walking distance of the Heritage Center venue.
- We are still awaiting final submission for Camp Awards as detailed in the previous Department Order #7, 2020-2021
- All Department Officer and Camp Reports should be to the Department Secretary no later than 05 April 2021.
- These reports are the annual status narratives and are not official Forms of the order.
- Additionally, any Camp that has not submitted required National Reporting forms by Encampment may not be eligible to seat delegates at the Encampment.
Ordered this 12th Day of March 2021.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
Attest: George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Registration Form:
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 7, 2020-2021 – Department Awards
GAHuttick : 16-February-2021 03:06 : Encampment, General Order, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 7, 2020-2021
- Our Department Encampment is scheduled for 17 April 2021. Announcements will be coming soon on the details of the Encampment.
- As we head toward Encampment, we need Brothers to submit recommendations for recipients of the Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award of Appreciation.
- Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award of Appreciation recognizes individuals or entities that has through his/her actions, words, and/or deeds significantly contributed to the furtherance of the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic within the Boundaries of the Department of Tennessee.
- Camp Secretaries are asked to send a report of the new members in their Camp since 17 April 2020 for the conference of the Corporal William H. Bell and Private Henry Hoover Awards. This report may be emailed to the Department Secretary/Treasurer ( Only camps sending this report will be considered.
- Corporal William H. Bell recognized that Camp with the most new Brothers during the 12 months preceding Encampment
- Private Henry Hoover Awards recognizes the Camp with the largest percentage growth during the 12 months preceding Encampment
- The By-laws of our Department authorizes awards In Article XVI – Awards. (
- Submissions for the awards should be received by the Department Secretary/Treasurer no later than 26 March 2021
Ordered this 15yh Day of February 2021.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2020-2021 – Patriotic Instruction Reports
GAHuttick : 20-January-2021 01:12 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2020-2021
1. All Camp Commanders and Camp Patriotic Instructors are reminded that their Annual Patriotic Instructor Reports are due to be submitted to the Department Patriotic Instructor as soon as possible.
These reports are critical to maintaining our 501c3 status as a non-profit organization. Please use FORM 40, Camp Patriotic Instructor’s Report available for download on the National Website.
These reports are straight forward and require a minimum of time and effort to complete. Simply provide the requested information and forward to the Department Patriotic Instructor at:
Your cooperation in ensuring these crucial reports are completed and submitted in a timely fashion are greatly appreciated. Thank You.
Ordered this 18h Day of January 2021.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2020-2021 – Christmas
GAHuttick : 19-December-2020 23:51 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2020-2021
- This is the time of year we think of family and good friends as we celebrate the Holidays of Christmas and the New Year. Let us also remember those who will not be with loved ones this holiday season. Instead, they stand guard for us on distant and sometimes hostile shores, on the high seas and patrolling our skies.
- Let us also remember those Firefighters, Police Officers and Paramedics who will be on duty helping to keep us safe.
- May you all enjoy the blessing of Christmas as you share good times with family and friends remembering our Lord Jesus Christ is the reason for the season.
- The Officers of the Department of Tennessee join me in wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Ordered this 18h Day of December 2020.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2020-2021 – Veterans Day
GAHuttick : 9-November-2020 01:23 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2020-2021
- Wednesday, November 11, 2020 is Veterans Day. Originally called Armistice Day marking the end of the First World War, the name was Changed in 1954 by President Dwight Eisenhower to honor all Veterans who served Camps are encouraged to participate in local Veteran’s Day programs in their respective communities.
- There are many Department of Tennessee Brothers who have served and sacrificed in the Armed Forces of the United States in both active and reserve components.
- All Brothers are strongly encouraged to fly the flag of the United States and, where possible, the POW MIA flag along with it. The Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, wishes to recognize the courage, service and sacrifice of our Military Veterans and to thank all who have served.
Ordered this 07th Day of November 2020.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2020-2021 – Virtual Camp Meetings
GAHuttick : 27-October-2020 00:55 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2020-2021
1. Given the current Covid virus pandemic, It has been difficult for camps to meet in an in-person setting at their usual meeting places. The virus has surged again in several areas and the pandemic will likely continue until an effective vaccine has been developed.
2. For the protection of our Brothers in the Department of Tennessee, electronic meetings using media such as Zoom are authorized so long as the pandemic continues. This is in line with the National Organization’s policy.
3. This General Order does not prohibit in-person camp meetings. It is meant to give camps an option to use electronic means during the course of the pandemic and will remain in effect until rescinded by General order.
Ordered this 25th Day of October 2020.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2020-2021 – Passing of Br. Shawn Atchley, PDC
GAHuttick : 28-August-2020 01:24 : General Order, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR David Michael DuBrucq 509 Blueridge Drive Murfreesboro, TN 37129 615-525-1589 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2020-2021
1. It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother Shawn Ernest Atchley, Past Department Commander, a member of Sultana Camp #1. He died Thursday, 26 July 2020. He is survived by his wife, Jane.
2. Shawn was originally a member of Farragut Camp #6, Selmer TN and transferred to Sultana Camp #1 when the Farragut Camp ceased. He had been active in his Camps and Department and served as our Department Commander in 2005.
3. With the passing of our very good friend and beloved brother, I order the Department Charter, all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black. Please keep Br. Atchley, his wife and family, his Camp, and community in your thoughts and prayers, he will be sincerely missed by all.
4. This order shall remain in effect for thirty days.
Ordered this 27th Day of August 2020.
By order of: David. Michael DuBrucq
Department Commander
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2020-2021
My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 25th Annual and first virtual Encampment. My thanks to PDC Roger Tenney and Department Secretary/Treasurer George Huttick for all the work they did to make things go as smoothly as possible.
I would also like to add my personal thanks and that of the Department to PDC Roger Tenney for his leadership during an unusual and difficult year for all of us. Well done Brother Tenney.
Congratulations are in order for our newly elected and appointed officers
- DSVC: PCC Richard “Skip” Rexroade
- DJVC: Gary M. Burke
- Secretary/Treasurer: George A. Huttick
- Asst Secretary/Treasurer: Scott Holmes
- Department Council:
- PDC Roger Tenney
- PDC Ben Block Jones
- PCC James W. “Bill” Heard
My most sincere thanks to the Brothers of the Department of Tennessee for electing me as your Department Commander for the 2020-2021 term. I am deeply honored by the confidence you have placed in me. All of us together stand ready to meet our challenges and to honor the memory of our Federal ancestors who fought so bravely to preserve our union.
Effective June 25th, 2020, Department Headquarters is transferred to:
509 Blueridge Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
You may reach me by regular mail, e-mail or by phone as listed above. The preferred method of communication is electronic (e-mail)
The following are appointed to the indicated Department office effective Immediately:
- Department Patriotic Instructor: Br. Joshua Cameron, Pres Andrew Johnson Camp 70
- Department Chaplain: CC Tommy Phillips, Army of the Tennessee Camp 6
- Signals Officer: CC George A. Huttick, Sultana Camp 1
- Civil War Memorials Officer: PDC Roger Tenney, Fort Donelson Camp 62
- Graves Registration Officer: Br. Darrel Ball, Fort Donelson Camp 62
- Historian: PDC Clyde Getman, Sultana Camp 1
- Eagle Scout Coordinator: CC George A. Huttick, Sultana Camp 1
- ROTC Coordinator: Nick Norwood, Missionary Ridge Camp 63
My Personal thanks and the thanks of the Department are extended to Department Secretary and PDC Michael P. Downs for the Yeoman’s effort they put in to rectify issues with department financial and other records. Well done, Brothers!
Our Emphasis for the 2020-2021 year will be on increasing membership in the Department of Tennessee. Be active and be visible. Advertise wherever possible. Offer articles to local newspapers and radio stations. Be involved in your community’s activities, especially on patriotic holidays. If you own a uniform, wear it to patriotic events, school programs and other appropriate venues. Let local leaders know you are available and ready to serve the community. Recognize area businesses through the use of the Patriotic Flag Display Certificates available from the National Quartermaster, as well as recruiting pamphlets. Promote the organization at every opportunity.
The Importance of the Camp and Department Patriotic Instructor cannot be overemphasized. Camp Commanders shall provide the name and contact information for their camp Patriotic Instructor’s to the Department Patriotic Instructor, Brother Joshua Cameron at upon receipt of this order. Accurate reporting is crucial to maintaining the 501c3 tax exempt status for the SUVCW.
All Department Orders shall remain in effect unless and until rescinded.
So Ordered this 29th Day of June, 2020
David. Michael DuBrucq PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Department Order #7 – 2019-2020
GAHuttick : 9-June-2020 02:25 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 7, 2019-2020
These are extraordinary times. No one could have seen or predicted the events that have occurred in the first six months of this year. This has had an impact on each of us and on our order As every Brother in the Department should be aware, we have had to postpone our Department Encampment several times, and we are now to a point that we are running out of time.
Therefore, our 25th Department Encampment will be held as a virtual meeting on 25 June 2020, 6:30 p.m. CST. This will allow us to manage the business of the Department. Unfortunately, this will be a less personal meeting and, in many ways, will be limited from our normal scope.
1. We will suspend using most of the ritual and ceremony that we would use in a live event.
2. The following are the known matters of business that will be addressed.
a. Approval of Minutes from the 24th Encampment
b. Financial Report of the Department
c. Resolution to release the three (3) Camps located in Alabama to become their own Department (details included in DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2019-2020 (3))
d. Proposed amendments to our By-Laws (details included in DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2019-2020 (4), and “Department Encampment – Proposed Changes to the By-Laws”
e. Election of Officers
f. Installation of Officers
3. Reports from the Camps and Staff Officers are to be provided in writing. These will be compiled and posted to the Department website by 21 June 2020. I order that the reports be sent to the Department Secretary no later than 19 June 2020. These will not be presented at the Encampment, unless required by stated business, but will be included in the Department minutes for the Encampment. I further order that a link to the reports be posted to the Department Facebook page, as well as sent to all Brothers of the Department with known email addresses.
4. I order that all Camps provide to the Department Secretary a list of delegates for your Camp no later than 15 June 2020.
The foregoing Department Order is proclaimed this 8th Day of June in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-third, in the town of Greenbrier, State of Tennessee
By order of: ROGER A. TENNEY
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department Order # 6, 2019-2020
GAHuttick : 27-March-2020 18:28 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2019-2020
1. It is my sad duty to report the passing of Brother John Halsell of Army of Tennessee Camp #64 He was a charter member of the Camp. He died Thursday, 26 March 2020. He is survived by his wife, Irene and daughters.
2. He was an active member in his Camp. He participated in many events to highlight the American Civil War in Middle Tennessee.
3. With the passing of our very good friend and beloved brother, I order the Department Charter, all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black for thirty days. Please keep Br. Halsell, his wife and family, his Camp, and community in your thoughts and prayers, he will be sincerely missed by all.
The foregoing Department Order is proclaimed this 27th Day of March in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-third, in the town of Greenbrier, State of Tennessee
By order of: ROGER A. TENNEY
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department Order 2019-2020 – 05
GAHuttick : 12-March-2020 21:48 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 5, 2019-2020
As the Brothers of the Department should know by now, there is an outbreak of a novel virus (COVID-19} that is impacting our country. This is a highly contagious virus and has been shown to have significant health issues for people who are over the age of fifty years. It has been attributed to many deaths world-wide and within our nation.
There have been many precautions that have been suggested by health care professionals. Most significantly they are encouraging avoiding large gatherings, and to maintain social distancing. Also, they are suggesting limiting travel to areas where known cases exist. All of these measures are to limit the chance that someone comes in contact with a carrier of the virus, surface they have touched, and then contract the virus themselves.
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, I am ordering the Department Encampment scheduled for 20-22 March 2020 to be postponed. This is being done out of concern for the health and welfare of our Brothers, our Camps, and the Department.
Brothers who made reservations at the hotel are responsible for cancelling their reservations.
The officers of the Department in conjunction with Fort Donelson Camp #62 will be working to set a new date for Encampment business. As this is a highly fluid situation, and there is no current forecast of when the pandemic will peak and subside in our nation, it is asked that the Brothers of the Department be patient as we attempt to solidify a new plan.
The foregoing Department Order is proclaimed this 12th Day of February in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-third, in the town of Greenbrier, State of Tennessee
By order of: ROGER A. TENNEY
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department Order 2019-2020 – 04
GAHuttick : 25-February-2020 18:11 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2019-2020
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi,
The following are reminders for our upcoming Department Encampment:
- Our 25th Department Encampment will be held next month, March 20th-22nd, 2020, at the Fort Negley in Nashville, Tennessee. All Brothers are reminded that group rates for the hotel are good through March 6rh 2020, and that the Encampment Registration Form should be submitted to Scott Holmes, Treasurer, Fort Donelson Camp #62 as instructed in the previously issued Department Order # 3, 2019-2020.
- The order of business for the day:
- 8:30 am Department Council Meeting
- 8:30 am – 9:30 am – Meet and Greet
- 9:30 am – 12:00 pm – Department Meeting
- 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch
- 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Department Meeting
- As a Resolution has been proposed by Pvt. Richard Taylor, Camp 53, MG James H. Wilson, Camp 1 , MG John T. Croxton, Camp 17 to become a new Department, I am instructing the Department Secretary to post the Resolution to the Department website. Further, I am instructing that this resolution be sent to the known Camp Commanders and their officers for review and consideration by their Camps. As required by Chapter II Article I section 5 of the SUVCW C&R, this resolution requires a super majority vote by the Camps for the petition to create a new Department move forward. Unlike most actions of our Department, this vote will be taken by Camp representative and not the individual members of the Department Encampment. I am strongly encouraging all Camps to send at least one member in good standing to represent the will of the Camp on this matter. As there are nine Camps in the Department, we need the voice of every Camp in this matter, and at least six Camps in good standing in attendance and agreement to address the resolution
- Proposed changes to our Department By-Laws have been previously issued to all Camps in compliance with our existing by-laws. Many of these changes were acted upon during the 23rd Department Encampment yet that record was lost during some transitions. Additional changes are requested to address some of the struggles our Department has faced this year. I am instructing t the Department Secretary to post the proposed changes to the Department website. Further,I am instructing that this proposed changes be reissued to the known Camp Commanders and their officers for review and consideration by their Camps,.
- All reports of elected and appointed officers should be submitted to the Department Secretary with a copy to the Department Commander ON OR BEFORE March 7th 2020. Reports may be submitted electronically.
- All reports of Camps should be submitted to the Department Secretary with a copy to the Department Commander ON OR BEFORE March 7th 2020. Reports may be submitted electronically.
- The report shall include a current copy of the Camp roster indicating which brothers are in good standing
- I am instructing the Department Secretary to send copy of current Camp Rosters provide by the National Organization SUVCW to all known Camp Commanders and Camp Secretaries. ON OR BEFORE March 1st 2020.
The foregoing Department Order is proclaimed this 25th Day of February in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-third, in the town of Greenbrier, State of Tennessee
By order of: ROGER A. TENNEY
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department Order 2019-2020 – 03
GAHuttick : 7-February-2020 02:17 : Encampment, General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 3, 2019-2020
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi,
1. The 25th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War will be held March 20th-22nd, 2020, at the Fort Negley in Nashville, Tennessee. A business meeting is scheduled for 9:00 am on Saturday, March 21, 2020, which will be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order. The business session will follow the Order of Business for Department Encampments in the Ritual and Ceremonies, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Blue Book.
- The contact information for the hotel is as follows:
Courtyard by Marriott – Nashville Brentwood
103 East Park Drive
Brentwood, TN 37027
Phone: (615) 371-9200 - It is recommended that you reserve your room early and directly with the hotel, and to identify themselves as part of the SUVCW Department group staying at the Courtyard Nashville Brentwood, located at 103 East Park Drive, Brentwood, TN 37027 for our Group Rate of $109 plus tax per night. The deadline for the discount rate is Friday, March 6, 2020 at 5:00 PM EST.
- The encampment registration fee has been set at $25. Please be sure to submit your Encampment Registration Form along with your check payable to: “Fort Donelson Camp #62” by mail to:
Scott W. Holmes – SUVCW
1037 Whitehall Dr
Franklin, TN 37069 - Lunch will be catered courtesy of Wendell Smith’s Restaurant []. Luncheon tickets will be $15 per person payable with your registration.
- Tours of Fort Negley and other Middle Tennessee Civil War Sites will be available at 4:00 PM CST on Friday, March 20th, dependent on Registrants level of interest as indicated on Registration Form.
- Any Questions or concerns can be addressed to:
Chip Huffman, Commander, Fort Donelson Camp #62 (615) 337-8030
By order of: ROGER A. TENNEY
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department Order 2019-2020 – 02
GAHuttick : 21-August-2019 03:01 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 2, 2019-2020
1. Due to the death of our Department Secretary, David McReynolds, I hereby am appointing Brother George Andrew Huttick as Secretary/Treasurer of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi. Brother Mike Downs is also appointed as co-Secretary/Treasurer.
2. These appointments are effective immediately and will remain in effect until our next election at our Department Encampment.
The foregoing Department Order is proclaimed this 21st Day of August in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-third, in the city of Greenbrier, State of Tennessee.
By order of: ROGER A. TENNEY
Department Commander
George A. Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department Order 2019-2020 – 01
GAHuttick : 17-February-2019 00:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Roger A. Tenney, Commander 4960 Reeder School Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 615-406-2697 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2019-2020
Having been elected Commander by the delegates assembled at the 40th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee, I am truly humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me. I will endeavor to perform each of the duties of the office in a manner befitting our Order and our forefathers. In furtherance of that goal the Headquarters of the Department Commander is hereby re-established at 4960 Reeder School Road, Greenbrier, TN 37073.
I also wish to bestow my sincere congratulations to each of the newly elected officers of the department.
Senior Vice Commander, David DuBrucq, Camp #64
Junior Vice Commander, Skip Rexroade, Camp #1
Secretary and Assistant Treasurer, George A. Huttick, Camp #62
Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, David McReynolds, Camp #39 & 70
Chaplain, Gary M. Burke, Camp #62
In accordance with the Constitution and Regulations of our Order and the Department Bylaws, I hereby publish the following appointments.
Patriot Instructor, Carl E. Addison, Camp #1
Historian, J. Clyde Getman, Camp #1
Civil War Memorials, Dave DuBrucq, Camp #64 & 62
Graves Registration, Richard Holmes, Camp #39
ROTC Coordinator, Nick Norwood, Camp #53
Eagle Scout Coordinator, George A. Huttick, Camp #62
Signals Officer, George Huttick, Camp #62
Thank you again for your continued faith in my abilities. With your steadfast support we will further the cause of honoring the noble service of our ancestors who fought to preserve our beloved Union.
The foregoing Department Order is proclaimed this 17th Day of February in the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred forty-second, in the town of Greenbrier, State of Tennessee
By order of:
/s/ Roger A. Tenney
Roger A. Tenney
Department Commander
/s/ George Andrew Huttick
George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary
Department Order 2018-2019 – 10
GAHuttick : 16-February-2019 00:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 10, 2018-2019
1. The Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi makes
the following awards and congratulates the recipients:
a. Department Commendations:
i. Tennessee Genealogical Society – For this organization’s continued support of the Department and hospitality for this their second encampment;
ii. Joseph Arthur Burns – For his leadership and service to the Department in coordinating resources for the Encampments
iii. Gary Burke – For his excellence in public relations which bring great honor to the Department and the Order.
b. Most Outstanding Online Media: Fort Donelson Camp No. 62
c. Most Outstanding Newsletter: Major William A. McTeer Camp No. 39
d. Most Outstanding Brother: Bro. Howard Poarch
e. Most Outstanding Camp: Pres. Andrew Johnson Camp No. 70
f. Private Henry Hoover Membership Award: Maj. Gen. James H. Wilson Camp No. 1
g. Charles Engle Award: Bro. David McReynolds
SO ORDERED on this, the 16th day of February, 2019
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 09
GAHuttick : 8-January-2019 00:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee:
- The following are reminders for our upcoming Department Encampment:
a. Our Department Encampment is fast approaching. The deadline for our discount Group rate is January 16, 2019. Reserve your room now and directly with the hotel. Don’t forget to mention Special Code “SUVS” or “Sons of Union Veterans” for our Group Rate of $109 plus tax per night. Courtyard by Marriott, Memphis-Collierville, 4640 Merchants Park Circle, Collierville, TN 38107, Phone: (901) 850-9390. The Encampment Registration fee is now $20 with lunch at $14 per person, payable to Clyde J. Getman, 5922 Hickory Grave Lane, Bartlett, TN 38134-5531. Lunch will be canceled if not enough tickets are purchased by the January 31, 2019, cut-off date. For more details, see Department Order No. 4,
b. All Tennessee Department Camp Secretaries should be applying the new Department $5.00 per capita dues amount to their “Camp Status Reports” and yearly “Camp Annual Report Form 27”. Camp Commanders are asked to confirm all “Camp Annual Reports” are submitted no later than April 30, 2019, to the Department Secretary.
c. Camp Commanders and Patriotic Instructors are asked to submit their annual reports on Form 40 no later than March 1, 2019, to Carl Addison, Department Patriotic Instructor.
d. Camp Commanders and Secretaries are reminded to confirm their Camp’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) to the Department Secretary no later than March 1, 2019. Camps are further reminded to file their respective Form 990-N as soon as possible, but no later than May 15, 2019.
e. Pursuant to C-in-C General Order No. 18, Series 2017-2018, 06 February 2018, all Camps are tasked with amending their respective by-laws to include language required for the SUVCW group exemption. “Department Commanders are directed to ensure that Camps under their command take the necessary action to include these articles in their by-laws no later than 31 May 2019 and to file a report with the National Treasurer stating that all Camps in their Departments are compliant by 30 June 2019.” If your Camp has amended their by-laws accordingly, please bring a copy to the Encampment for submission to the Department Secretary. - I would ask that the Department Secretary prepare a draft of the 2018 Department Encampment minutes and financial report for review prior to convening the 2019 Encampment to order.
- I would ask the Department Council to be prepared to meet early Saturday morning with Secretary/Treasurer Craig Taylor Brown in order to meet its obligation to review and “audit” the books. Our Department meeting ceremonies will begin sharply at 9:00 a.m.
- Our Encampment will be held before the due date for submission of the Camp Annual Report. For Camps to be eligible for the Department Awards for Membership Growth and Percentage, I need each Camp to submit a list of new members in 2018, new Camp officers, and a newsletter sample ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 8, 2019. These can be submitted informally or on the respective forms in addition to the camp’s usual report to the encampment. Normally, membership actions during December (Form 30) and installing officer reports (Form 22) are submitted no later than February 15, with the Camp Annual Report (Form 27), Roster, and Per Capita due no later than April 30.
- All reports of appointed officers and committees should be submitted to the Department Secretary with a copy to the Department Commander ON OR BEFORE FEBRUARY 8, 2019.
- I hereby request that every Camp sending brothers and or delegations to the Department encampment to bring your camp flag and base to display and represent your camp.
- One of the purposes of the Encampment is to share ideas, provide constructive criticism and suggestions to assist in the improvement of the National Organization, the Department and the camps and to adopt proposals and resolutions for betterment of the Department and its camps and therefore the Order. I am looking forward our encampment.
SO ORDERED on this, the 8th day of January 2019
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 08
GAHuttick : 24-December-2018 00:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
1. By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, I wish to extend the following greeting to the camps and members of the Department, borrowing from the eloquence of our Brother Robert E. Grim, Past Commander-in-Chief:
a. During the month of December, we celebrate the most joyous of all the seasons, Hanukah for our Jewish brethren, and the birth of Jesus Christ for our Christian Brothers. This is a time for families, gift giving and celebrating the love of the season. It is also a time of remembrance, and for giving thanks.
b. As we gather with our families during this joyous season, please take time to remember those that are once again serving our Nation away from home. The young men and women of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force that will share their fare this holiday as many of our forefathers have done in the past, with their Brotherin-Arms. Only the scenery has changed from Valley Forge, Iwo Jima, Normandy, Khe Sahn or Fallujah. The sacrifice remains the same.
c. Please join with me in celebrating this season and with the hope that many of those away from home will be able to extinguish “the candle in the window” next year, asm hey will be home. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to all, and a joyous and safe New Year.
SO ORDERED on this, the 22nd day of December 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 07
GAHuttick : 22-November-2018 01:03 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER #7, 2018-2019
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, I hereby issue this order.
1. Exactly seventy-four years after George Washington’s proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed on October 3, 1863 that the last Thursday in November be set apart to be observed by all citizens as a day of thanksgiving: “The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. . .” He further stated that: “I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union.”
a. In that same spirit let us enjoy a bountiful Thanksgiving this Thursday, November 22th, 2018, with family, friends, and one another across our Department and let us all be thankful for all that we have.
b. As you give thanks around your dinner table let us remember to be thankful for our veteran ancestors and all veterans and serving military who have given their all in serving our country.
2. Additionally, I would like to take this opportunity to formally welcome our newest camp, President Andrew Johnson Camp No. 70 to the Department and congratulate them on their organizing efforts. They will hold a charter ceremony and lunch on Saturday, November 24, in the Brumley Library dining room of the General Morgan Inn in Greeneville, Tennessee. Brother who wish to attend should contact Brother Tim Massey at 423-525-4113 or 423-787-1000 for room reservations.
SO ORDERED on this, the 21st day of November 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 06
GAHuttick : 11-November-2018 15:52 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER #6, 2018-2019
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi,
1. I hereby recognize Sunday, November 11, 2018 as being Veterans Day and request that all Brothers and Camps in the Department celebrate this day with honor and respect to all serving military and Veterans of the United States. President Lincoln’s immortal words of his second
inaugural address on March 4th, 1865:
“To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan” embody our nation’s obligation to do today, for our veterans, what must be done on every Veterans Day. We must always remember and never forget their service to our country.
a. As Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, we join together in giving honor to all who have faithfully served our country in any war. We seek out, care for and mark the graves and memorials of Civil War veterans. May this day act as a reminder that we shall never forget and always shall honor the service of our veterans in all of the armed forces of the United States of America.
b. I hereby request that all Brothers and Camps in the Department participate, on Sunday, November 11, 2019 and Monday, November 12, 2019, in such commemorations, memorials, parades, services and events as may be held for all veterans in your communities. Honor a veteran and thank a veteran.
c. The Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi salutes all veterans who have served or are currently serving in the military and commends them for their service and their sacrifice for the good of our nation. Your service and sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
SO ORDERED on this, the 7th day of November 2019
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 05
GAHuttick : 11-November-2018 15:47 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER #5, 2018-2019
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama
and Mississippi, I hereby issue this order.
1. The 24th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War will be held February 15-16th, 2019, at the Tennessee Genealogical Society in Germantown, Tennessee. During the Encampment, the Department
intends to present several awards. In accordance with the bylaws:
a. The Corporal William H. Bell Membership Award recognizes that Camp within the Department of Tennessee that initiates the most new Brothers during the twelve (12) months preceding the Department Encampment.
b. Private Henry Hoover Membership Award recognizes that Camp within the Department of Tennessee that demonstrates the largest percentage of growth during the twelve (12) months preceding the Department Encampment.
c. I hereby appoint Sam Gant, PDC, of Fort Donelson Camp No. 62, Camp Commander Dr. John L. “Jack” Dwyer, Ph.D., of MG James H. Wilson Camp No. 1, and Dr. Douglas K. Fidler, Ph.D., PDC, of MAJ William A. McTeer Camp No. 39–fine Brothers all–to a special panel charged to award the Department of Tennessee Certificate of Appreciation. This award recognizes that individual or entity who, in the judgment of a three-member panel, has through his/her actions, words, and/or deeds significantly contributed to the furtherance of the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic within the Boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. Recommendations for possible
recipients of said award shall be submitted, along with a one-page description of the contribution made, to the Department Secretary no later than two (2) months prior to the annual Department Encampment, that is no later than December 14, 2018. Recommendations may be made via electronic mail to the Secretary with a copy to each member of panel. The panel shall award no more than three certificates as so charged.
d. As Commander, I will accept recommendations for the Doctor Mary Edwards Walker Award from Past Camp Commanders and Past Department Commanders. This award recognizes a female member of one of the Allied Orders in recognition of and appreciation for her outstanding service to the SUVCW. Recommendations may be made via electronic mail and, again, no recommendations will be submitted no later than December 14, 2018.
e. With the input from the current Camp Commanders and Department Officers, I will accept nominations for four more awards: Most Outstanding Camp, Most Outstanding Brother, Most Outstanding Newsletter and Most Outstanding Web Presence. Recommendations may be made via electronic mail and, once more, no recommendations will be submitted no later than December 14, 2018.
SO ORDERED on this, the 6th day of November 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 04
GAHuttick : 1-November-2018 00:44 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER #4, 2018-2019
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi,
1. The 24th Encampment of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War will be held February 15-16th, 2019, at the Tennessee Genealogical Society in Germantown, Tennessee. A business meeting is scheduled for 9:00 am
on Saturday, February 16, 2019, which will be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order. The business session will follow the Order of Business for Department Encampments in the Ritual and Ceremonies, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Blue Book.
a. The contact information for the hotel is as follows:
Courtyard by Marriott, Memphis-Collierville,
4640 Merchants Park Circle
Collierville, TN 38107
Phone: (901) 850-9390
b. It is recommended that you reserve your room early and directly with the hotel using the Special Code “SUVS” for our Group Rate of $109 plus tax per night. The deadline for the discount rate is January 16, 2019.
c. The encampment registration fee has been set at $10 with registrations after January 1 being charged $20. Please be sure to submit your Encampment Registration Form along with your check payable to: “Sultana Camp No. 1” by mail to:
Clyde J. Getman, PDC
5922 Hickory Grove Lane
Bartlett, TN 38134-5531
d. Lunch with be catered courtesy of Germantown Commissary []. Luncheon tickets will be $14 per person payable with your registration.
e. Following our meeting, a memorial service will be held.
SO ORDERED on this, the 25th day of October 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 03
GAHuttick : 30-October-2018 00:37 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER #3, 2018-2019
1. I hereby recognize Sunday, November 11, 2018, as being Veterans Day and request that all Brothers and Camps in the Department celebrate this day with honor and respect to all serving military and veterans of the United States.
2. As Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, we join together in giving honor to all who have faithfully served our country in any war. We seek out, care for and mark the graves and memorials of Civil War veterans. May this day act as a reminder that we shall never forget and always shall honor the service of our veterans in all of the armed forces of the United States of America. In the words of President Lincoln:
“To care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan” embody our nation’s obligation to do today, for our veterans, what must be done on every Veterans Day. We must always remember and never forget their service to our country.
3. I hereby request that all Brothers and Camps in the Department participate in commemorations, memorials, parades, services and events held for all veterans in your community. Honor a veteran and thank a veteran.
4. The Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi salutes all veterans who have served, or are currently serving, in the military and commend them for their service and their sacrifice for the good of our nation especially salute those service members and veterans of our
Allied Orders. Your service and sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
SO ORDERED on this, the 25th day of October 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2018-2019 – 02
GAHuttick : 27-May-2018 00:24 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedHEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE WITH ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Ben Block Jones II, PCC 246 Highland Place Dr. Jackson, MS 39211-5909 (601) 927-8479 |
DEPARTMENT ORDER #2, 2018-2019
By the authority vested in me as Commander of the Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi, I hereby issue this order.
1. The first Decoration Day was inaugurated by General Logan through Order No. 11, issued on May 5, 1868. In that order he stated that May 30 would be the appointed day to honor our “comrades who died in defense of their country.” That date became the traditional date for Decoration Day and, as we now knows it, Memorial Day.
2. This year we will mark the 150th Anniversary of General Order No. 11 and the first Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery in 1868.
3. Camps and Brothers are therefore urged to celebrate this momentous occasion and take part in any services on the traditional Memorial Day, Wednesday, May 30, 2018.
4. Participation in events and remembrances on the designated Federal holiday (Monday, May 28, 2015) and during the entire period known as Memorial Day Weekend, May 26 through May 28, is also strongly encouraged.
5. In the words of General Logan: “Let us, then, at the time appointed gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of springtime; let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor. . .”
SO ORDERED on this, the 22nd day of May, 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
DEPARTMENT ORDER #1, 2018-2019
1. I wish to thank all the brothers who attended the 23th Annual Department Encampment, Past
Department Commander David McReynolds for his leadership during his tenure,
representatives of McTeer Camp No. 39 and the Allied Orders for their support and all other
elected and appointed officers for our organization’s continued success. As your duly elected
and installed Commander, it is a great honor but I am aware and appreciate the solemn
responsibilities that are now placed upon my shoulders. I stand ready to face our challenges
always guided by our core principles of Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty and consistent with our
duty to perpetuate the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the men who saved
the Union from 1861 to 1865. With this in mind, I would like to recognize my direct ancestors
who fought for the Union:
James William Dibrell Jones (Great-Grandfather)
Pvt., 111th Ill. Vol. Inf. Regt.; Brevet Comm. Sgt, U.S. Marine Hospital, Paducah, KY
Ira B. Vangilder (2x Great-Grandfather)
Pvt., 23rd N.Y. Vol. Inf. Regt.; Hospital Steward, Co. A, 1st D. C. Cavalry
Died November 11, 1864, Florence Prison, South Carolina.
2. The headquarters of the Department is transferred to my home address as stated above.
You can reach me either by e-mail or cell phone (also above). Electronic communications are
the preferred method of correspondence.
3. Appointments of Department officers and members to Department committees will be posted
on the Department’s websites. Many thanks to Signals Officer Bro. George A. Huttick, incoming
Department Secretary-Treasurer Bro. Craig Taylor Brown, PDC, and Bro. Geoffrey Hintze,
PDC, for invaluable contributions and urge all Camps to offer their assistance. Congratulation
to Bro. David Michael Du Brucq, CC, of the Army of Tennessee Camp No. 64 and Fort
Donelson Camp No. 62 on his election as Department Junior Vice-Commander.
4. Direct financial and other correspondences for the Department should be directed to the
Department Secretary/Treasurer Craig Taylor Brown, 221 Glascock St., Alcoa, TN 37701,
Telephone: (865) 250-8090, E-mail:
5. I ask all Camps within the Department of Tennessee to please inform the Department
Secretary/Treasurer of all address changes within 30 days of any known changes and of all
deceased members as known.
6. The Encampment voted favorably on several changes to the Department By-Laws. The
revised By-Laws will be posted soon. Camps are also reminded of General Order No. 18,
Series 2017-2018, dated 6 February 2018, regarding the amendment of Camp By-Laws as we
continue to seek tax-exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3). Camps must be compliant by 31
May 2019.
7. The Department Special Committee on National Encampment will remain in place to serve
the Department charged with planning and organizing a National Encampment with the
Department as host.
8. The 24th Annual Department Encampment will be held in Memphis, Tennessee, and hosted
by the Sultana Camp No. 1. More details will become available as plans are finalized.
9. Department Order 2017-2018 – 02 ordering a period of thirty-days mourning for Brother
Charles Yates, PDC will continue in full force and effect.
10. Our sincerest condolences to the family of Department Senior Vice-Commander Roger A.
Tenney, CC, on the loss of his mother. May He bless and comfort their family during this time of
11. Although we have reached a significant milestone of 200 members under PDC
McReynolds’ leadership, I encourage all camps to reach out to past members of the Order.
Membership is our life blood. We must all work together to attract new members and
encourage the participation of our current members. Without retention and new members, no
organization can longer endure. I challenge all Camps to re-enlist at least three members who
have lapsed in dues over the past years. Discover their interests so we can keep them as
active members.
SO ORDERED on this, the 9th day of April 2018
In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,
/s/ Ben Block Jones II, Commander
Department Order 2017-2018 – 02
GAHuttick : 5-April-2018 23:35 : General Order, Home Page, Uncategorized
Department Order 2017-2018 – 02 will soon be officially published. With timing prior to Department Encampment being short, we are draping the website in the anticipation of the order.
“General Order No. 2 that would order a period of 30 days mourning for Brother Charles Yates and that the charters and badges should be draped in black for the Encampment.” – D. McReynolds, Commander, Department of Tennessee
General Order #1
SERIES 2017-2018
30 April 2017
1. To all the Brothers in attendance at the 22nd Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee held in Franklin, TN, I most humbly thank you for your support and faith in me. I thank the Brothers of the Army of Tennessee Camp #64 for hosting an excellent encampment.
2. The Department Commander headquarters is hereby transferred to 4323 Near Shore Drive, Louisville, TN 37777. Mail for the Department Commander may be posted here. Electronic communications are the preferred method of communication and the preferred e-mail for department business is A secondary e-mail address that is directed to my attention is However, I use that address primarily for national SUVCW business. I may be reached by telephone at either 865-981-2854 (home) or 865-7893953 (cell).
3. A healthy department is driven by effective communication. I encourage Camp Commanders to not only establish excellent communication within their Camp but also between other Camps within our Department. Events involving more than one Camp are encouraged. In a comparable manner, I hope to establish better communication and interaction with the Departments that are our geographic neighbors to hopefully find ways to work together and produce larger events across Department boundaries.
4. As the Commander-in-Chief said in his General Order #1, SERIES 2016-2017, ANNOUNCE, ADVERTISE, PROMOTE everything you do. Be part of your community. Advertise your events. Establish relationships with local media to help ensure newspaper and IV coverage of what you do. But most importantly, act in a way that will grow your Camp. The success of our Department depends on continuous growth — continually adding new members, especially members under age 40.
5. Support the SUVCWs Eagle Scout and ROTC programs with great enthusiasm. We must have each of our Camps working with high schools and boy scout troops to recognize the next generation of leaders in our society. Every Camp should participate and report their participation through the Patriotic Instructor’s Annual Report.
6. The Patriotic Instructor’s Annual Report is an extremely valuable tool for the SUVCW to capture at all level activities that promote the tax-exempt mission of our organization. The position should go to someone at the Camp level that can commit to working all year to record what the Camp and its Members are doing. The report is a required report and must be filed with the Department Patriotic Instructor on time and in the manner prescribed in the Patriotic Instructor’s Handbook.
7. It is important that we assure that we have had our Camp histories preserved and added to each year. A Camp History should be on file with our National Organization.
8. We need to complete the Last Solider Project that was ordered by PCinC Darby’s General Order in 1995. Every Camp should place this activity at the top of the list and assure that the soldier’s grave has been identified, properly marked and rededicated by ritual ceremony in their geographic counties.
9. I would like to see as many of our Members as possible enroll in our new SUVCW Memorial University program and begin to take courses online and learn more about our organization as time permits.
10. I would like to see more Members of our Department volunteer for service at the National level in areas of personal interest to them. There are many opportunities to be involved that are not overwhelmingly time consuming but would add to the good of the order.
11. I would like the Special Committee on the possibility of hosting a future National Encampment to remain active. I would like the same membership in this committee as last year to at least keep continuity and we grapple with the obstacles that must be overcome.
Ordered this 30th day of April 2017,
David H. McReynolds
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Michael P. Downs
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Passing of PNC Charles Kuhn
GAHuttick : 18-December-2016 14:12 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedWith respect to the passing of Past National Commander Charles Kuhn the Department of Tennessee and all of our camps will drape their charters and ribbons for a period of thirty days.
Michael Downs, Commander
Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi
Sons of Union veterans of the Civil War
December 16, 2016
Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi\
General Order #1
As of this day. August 25, 2016, Brother Carl Addison of the Major General James H. Wilson Camp #1, has been appointed to the position of Department Patriotic Instructor. Camps should direct all correspondence and reports, dealing with Patriotic matters, to him at
Michael Downs, Commander
Department of Tennessee with Alabama and Mississippi
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
August 25, 2016
General Order 2015 – 04
GAHuttick : 20-February-2016 00:00 : General Order, Home Page, UncategorizedDepartment of Tennessee General Order #4
February 20, 2016
It is with deep regret that I must inform you that Farragut Camp #6 has decided to turn in their Charter. Brothers in good will be transferred into other Department Camps.
Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty
Michael Downs
Department Commander
It is with deep regret that I must inform you that Charles Henry Engle,Jr., PDC of Athens, TN died December 2, 2015.
Brother Engle was a long time member of the Department of Tennessee and served as the eighth Department Commander in 2003 and was again Department Commander in 2009. Brother Engle was a dual member of Major William Anderson McTeer #39 and Missionary Ridge #63 where he was the Secretary/Treasurer.
With the passing of our very good friend and beloved brother, Charles Engle, I order all Camp Charters and Membership Badges to be draped in black for thirty days. Please keep Charlie and his family in your thoughts and prayers, he will be sincerely missed by all.
Michael Downs
Department of Tennessee Commander
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
December 4, 2015
Department of Tennessee General Order #2
August 25, 2015
It is with deep regret that I must inform you that Frank B. Harned of Holiday, Florida and our Past Department Commander died August 25, 2015. Brother Harned was the first generation of the Department of Tennessee and served as the fifth Department Commander. Brother Harned organized Missionary Ridge #63 and sponsored Pvt. Richard Taylor #53 and Fort Sanders. Brother Harned was a master recruiter as he signed up almost two hundred brothers during his active career. Frank formed three Sons of Veterans Reserve units which in turn activated the Seventh Military District. Brother Harned then served as the District’s first Commander with the rank of Major, until his stoke.
All Charters are to be draped in black and Brothers are respectfully directed to attach a black morning ribbon to their membership badge for a period of thirty (30) days.
Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty
Michael Downs
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee General Order #1
May 1, 2015
It is with deep regret that I must inform you that Colonel Robert Byrd Camp #8 has decided to turn in their Charter. Brothers in good standing are being transferred into Major William Anderson McTeer #39.
Yours in Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty
Michael Downs
Department Commander
Bylaws of the Department of Tennessee – Revision B – August 2009
GAHuttick : 28-August-2009 14:01 : Bylaws, Encampment, General OrderBelow is the text of the BYLAWS DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE, SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR, REVISION B, APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT 21 AUGUST 2009; APPROVED BY COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF 25 AUGUST 2009 as extracted from (Department of Tennessee History – Rev. 6)
ARTICLE I – Organization
This Department shall be constituted and remain constituted as provided by the Constitution and Regulations (C & R) governing the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and shall be known as the DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE, SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR.
ARTICLE II – Meetings
Section 1: The Encampment of the Department of Tennessee shall be held annually.
Section 2: In the event of the failure to fix the time and place of the Annual Encampment before July 1st, the same shall be determined by the Department Commander, Department Secretary, Department Treasurer, and the members of the Department Council, by a majority vote of those present at the meeting duly called by the Department Commander at least 30 days prior to July 1st in any year.
Section 3: Special meetings of the Department may be called by the Department Commander, with the consent of the Department Council, and shall also be convened by the Department Commander upon the petition of a majority of the Camps, approved by their Brothers; provided that not less than fifteen (15) days notice of said meeting shall be given each Camp, but no business shall be transacted at any special meeting other than for which it was called and the call for all special meetings shall state the object and purpose of same.
ARTICLE III – Officers and their Duties
Section 1: The elected officers of the Department shall be as follows: Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander, three (3) members of the Council, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. All terms, except for the Department Council, will be for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and installed. Terms for members of the Department Council will be two years. The Commander, Secretary, or Treasurer shall not serve on the Department Council. The same member may hold the office of Department Secretary and the office of Department Treasurer simultaneously. The above named elected officers shall all be Brothers of the Department of Tennessee and shall meet the requirements and perform their duties as detailed in the C & R.
Section 2: The Department Commander, after his election, shall appoint all other officers for a term of one (1) year as per the C & R. The appointed officers shall include, but not be limited to the following: Chief of Staff, Patriotic Instructor, Chaplain, Counselor, Department Camp Organizer, Historian, Guide, Color Bearer, Guard, Graves Registration Officer, Aide, and any other positions required by the C & R, these Bylaws and/or the Order’s ceremonials and Ritual. The appointed officers shall all be Brothers of the Department of Tennessee and shall perform the duties as specified by the C & R, Ritual, Department Bylaws, and/or the orders of the Department Commander.
Section 3: If a vacancy should occur in any elected office, the Department Council shall convene and, by a majority vote of said Council, elect some Brother of the Department of Tennessee to fill said vacancy until the next Department Encampment. If a vacancy should occur in any appointed office, the Department Commander may appoint another Brother of the Department of Tennessee to fill said vacancy until the next Department Encampment. The removal from office of any elected or appointed officer for misconduct of duty shall be as provided by the C & R and Department Bylaws.
Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Department Commander and Department Secretary, jointly, to make arrangements for temporary Headquarters and place of meeting for the Annual Department Encampment.
Section 5: All officers of the Department (elected and appointed) shall upon their retirement from office turn over to their successor all property of the Department within ten (10) days after leaving office.
Section 6: Pursuant to the C & R a sufficient number of Brothers of the Department of Tennessee shall be elected as Delegates and Alternates to attend and represent the Department of Tennessee at the Annual National Encampment of the Order. Said election shall occur at the Annual Department Encampment.
ARTICLE IV – Authorized Expenditures
Section 1: The Department Commander may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses necessary for the conduct of his office. Approval of reimbursement for expenses up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50) per year shall be obtained from the Department Council. Typical expenses may include but are not limited to, long distance telephone calls, postage, and mileage.
Section 2: The Department Secretary may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses, up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50) per year necessary for the conduct of his office provided that a written request is presented to and approved by the Department Commander. Typical expenses may include, but are not limited to, long distance telephone calls, postage, and mileage.
Section 3: The Department Treasurer may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses, up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50) per year necessary for the conduct of his office provided that a written request is presented to and approved by the Department Commander. Typical expenses may include, but are not be limited to, long distance telephone calls, postage, and mileage.
Section 1: The Department Treasurer shall, within fifteen (15) days from the date of his installation furnish a bond in an amount to be fixed by the Department Council which sum shall not be less than one thousand dollars ($1000), for the faithful performance of his duties, and a just accounting for all funds and property of the Department that may come into his hands, said bonds to be taken in the name of the Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and to be held in trust for the Department of Tennessee.
Section 2: The bond shall be taken in a reliable surety company, authorized to conduct and conducting business in the state in which the treasurer resides, and shall be paid out of the funds of the Department of Tennessee.
ARTICLE VI – Department Council
Section 1: The Department Council shall meet after their installation and elect a Chairman, and Secretary. All Past Department Commanders will be asked to serve one, two year term as a member of the Department Council, upon leaving office. The Department Council shall have charge and supervision of all investments of funds and property of the Department. They shall convene no later than the first day of the Department Encampment at nine o’clock a.m. (9:00 a.m.) for the purpose of a full audit of the Department books and accounts, and accounting for all Department property; and to review a budget, prepared by the Department Treasurer, for the upcoming year; and for the consideration of such other business as may be brought to its attention.
Section 2: The Department Treasurer shall have all necessary books, papers, etc., at the time and place designated and shall render assistance in making said audit. Failure to comply without just cause or prior arrangements may result in disciplinary measures as set forth in the C & R and Department Bylaws.
Section 1: The Department Commander and all Department Officers shall present an annual report in writing at the annual Department Encampment.
Section 2: The Department Secretary shall make and keep a record of the Proceedings of the Department Encampment, and shall make a regular report of the correspondence received and sent and other activities as required by his office and to make such report to the Department Commander as often as required by the C & R and such special report as may be deemed necessary by the Department Commander and/or Department Council.
Section 3: The Department Treasurer shall make and keep a record of the finances of the Department, stating the’ total receipts, expenditures, and. balances on hand to the Department Encampment, and to make such report to the Department Commander as often as required by the C & R, and such special. reports as may be deemed necessary by the Department Commander and/or Department Council.
Section 4: The above specified regular reports shall be embodied in the next Department Order by the Department Commander as soon as possible after receipt of same.
ARTICLE VIII – Camp Charter Fees and Per Capita Tax
Section 1: The Charter fee for new Camps (full and provisional) shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) and shall be paid before approval of the Charter by the Department Commander. The fee shall also cover the cost of the Camp Packet.
Section 2: The Camp Packet shall consist of one (1) Ritual, five (5) Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War application forms, two (2) transfer forms, two (2) charter application forms, two (2) organizer’s report forms, one (1) Department Bylaws, one (1) Constitution & Regulations, one (1) Document entitled, “Job Descriptions for Department and Camp Officers, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War,” and a listing of the current Camps and Officer’s within the Department.
Section 3: The Per Capita Tax for the ensuing year shall be fixed at the annual Department Encampment.
Section 4: Camps shall be exempt from Department Per Capita Tax assessment on Real Sons, Life Members, and Juniors.
ARTICLE IX – Committees
Section 1: The standing Committees of the Department shall be as follows: Bylaws, Legislative, Membership, and Grave Registration & Memorial.
Section 2: Special Committees may be created by action of the Department Encampment and shall exist for the period of time designated in the creation thereof. Duties and responsibilities shall be simultaneously defined.
Section 3: The Department Standing Committees shall, except as where otherwise noted, consist of a maximum of five (5) Brothers of this Department in good standing within their respective Camps. The Department Commander shall appoint the Chairman of the Committees unless otherwise specified.
Section 4: The Bylaws Committee shall be chaired by the Department Senior Vice Commander and shall annually review the Bylaws of the Department and bring to the attention of the Department any necessary revisions. All Camp Senior Vice Commanders will serve as members of this committee.
Section 5: The Legislative Committee shall keep itself informed of all legislation which may be introduced in the Tennessee or other state legislatures of such a nature as to affect the interest of this Order and/or the other Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or the patriotic interest of the people and may recommend to the Camps, subject to the approval of the Department Commander, any action it may deem advisable or expedient. The Legislative Committee shall consist of the Department Commander, Department Secretary, and three Brothers of the Department appointed by the Department Commander.
Section 6:, The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Junior Vice Department Commander and consist of all Camp Junior Vice Commanders. The purpose of the Committee shall be to put forth proposals and implement programs for the recruitment of Brothers into the Order.
Section 7: The Graves Registration & Memorial Committee shall seek and identify all graves of Civil War veterans and all monuments, memorials, etc., dedicated to Civil War veterans and the Grand Army of the republic within the boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. The Committee shall bring to the attention of the Department any disrespect or lack of attention shown to any Civil War grave or memorial. The Department Chaplain along with the Department Graves Registration Officer will Co-Chair this committee. All Camp Chaplains and Graves Registration Officers will serve on this
Section 1: The Department Commander may annually inspect each Camp for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of same.
Section 2: The use of ritualistic ceremonies in the conducting of regular Camp meetings is encouraged of all Camps.
Section 3: The initiation of candidates into the Order is encouraged to be done as per the Ritual of the Order at a regular Camp meeting. .
Section 4: Camps are encouraged to meet at least quarterly throughout the year in regular Ritual session.
ARTICLE XI – Department Camp-at-Large
Section 1: While applicants are encouraged to join Camps in their local areas, authorization is provided for the establishment of a Department Camp-at- Large within the Department of Tennessee to accommodate Brothers of the Order who do not reside within a reasonable distance of a local Camp.
Section 2: The Department Commander shall appoint a Department Camp-at- Large Coordinator for the Department Camp-at-Large. He will perform the duties generally associated with a Camp Secretary for this Camp. Applications for membership shall be directed to him and he shall accept or reject the same, keeping a record of such Brothers.
Section 3: All fees and dues collected by the Department Camp-at-Large Coordinator shall be forwarded to the Department Treasurer. The Department Treasurer shall maintain the funds or this Camp as a liability account in the General Fund of the Department. The Department Treasurer shall remit per capita payments based on the membership report of the Department Camp-at- Large Coordinator.
Section 4: Membership fees shall apply to Department Camp-at-Large Brothers in the same ‘manner as for Brothers in a local Camp. Annual dues for the Department Camp-at-Large shall be set yearly by the Department Council.
Section 5: All Brothers with National Membership-at-Large status within the boundaries of the Department of Tennessee shall be encouraged to transfer into a Camp within the Department of Tennessee.
ARTICLE XII – Associates
Section 1: Associates may be enrolled only into existing Camps within the Department pursuant to the Order’s C & R.
Section 2: The Associate applicant shall observe all procedures of application, membership, and dues structures as the Member applicant.
Section 3: A rejected applicant for Associate enrollment shall not be eligible to apply again for Associate enrollment until six (6) months have elapsed after such rejection.
Section 4:Associates will enjoy all of the privileges of membership including the right to vote at Camp and Department functions and the right to hold all offices at the Camp and Department level.
ARTICLE XIII – Elections and Installations
Section 1: The Camps of this Department shall elect Camp Officers between the first regular meeting of the Camp during the month of October and the first meeting of December, inclusive; said elections shall
conform to regulations established by the C & R.
Section 2: The Camps of this Department shall install Camp Officers between the first regular meeting of the Camp in November and January, inclusive. Said installation shall conform to regulations established by the C & R and shall be performed by proper authority, the Department Commander or his designee or the Commander-in-Chief or his designee.
ARTICLE XIV – Amendments
Section 1: The Bylaws shall only be amended, altered, or added to by a two thirds vote of the Brothers present and entitled to vote at any annual Department Encampment.
Section 2: Any proposed amendment, alteration or addition to these Bylaws shall be printed” or typewritten and a copy sent to the Commander of each Camp at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual Department Encampment. The Camp shall take action on same and instruct their delegates accordingly.
Section 3: These Bylaws and any amendment, alterations, or additions thereto shall go into effect immediately after their adoption by the Department Encampment and approval by the Commander-in-Chief.
Section 4: All Bylaws heretofore adopted by the Department, of Tennessee are hereby repealed. .
ARTICLE XV – Ritualistic Equipment
Section 1: Camps are encouraged to secure appropriate ritualistic equipment and to use same in the conducting of Camp meetings.
Section 2: Camps are encouraged to provide at least three (3) flags. The first two flags shall be the United States Flag and the Tennessee State Flag. The third flag shall be blue bearing a gold badge of the Order no smaller than 8 x I0 inches centered with the names in gold lettering of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and the name and number of the Camp. The size of all three flags and poles, respectively, shall be the same. The fringe on all three flags shall be yellow.
Section 3: The Department is encouraged to provide at least three (3) flags. The first two flags shall be the United States and the State of Tennessee flag. The third flag shall be red bearing a gold badge of the Order no smaller than 8 X 10 inches centered with the names in gold lettering of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and the Department of Tennessee. The size of all three flags and poles, respectively, shall be the same. The fringe on all three flags shall be yellow.
Section 4: All flags of the Camps and/or the Department shall be displayed, if practicable, at all regular meetings of the respective body, at parades, and when ordered by the Department Commander. Section 5: All Camps and the Department shall make all efforts possible to secure and use the ritualistic equipment provided for in the C & R Ritual and Bylaws, including, but not limited to, station banners, ballot box, altar cloth, seals, badges, etc.
Section 1: Authorization for two Department membership awards is provided. The Department may confer an award upon the Camp within the Department of Tennessee that initiates the most new Brothers during the twelve (12) months preceding the Department Encampment. This award shall be designated as the Corporal William H. Bell Membership Award. The Department may also confer an award upon the Camp within the Department of Tennessee that demonstrated the largest percentage of growth during the twelve (12) months preceding the Department Encampment. This award shall be designated as the Private Henry Hoover Membership Award.
Section 2: Authorization for a Department certificate of appreciation award is provided. The award shall be known as the Department of Tennessee Certificate of Appreciation. The award shall be conferred by the Department Commander upon any individual or entity who, in the judgment of a three-member panel appointed by the Department Commander, has through his/her actions, words, and/or deeds significantly contributed to the furtherance of the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic within the Boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. Recommendations for possible recipients of said award shall be submitted, along with a one-page description of the contribution made, to the Department Secretary no later than two (2) months prior to the annual Department Encampment. Recipients of the award shall be publicly announced and a certificate presented at the annual Department of Tennessee Encampment. No more than three (3) recipients shall be selected for the award in any one year.
ARTICLE XVII – Discipline
Section 1: The Department Commander shall have jurisdiction over charges made against officers of the Department, except himself, and Camps within the Department Tennessee.
Section 2: Charges may be preferred for violation of obligation, violation of office, or doing anything tending to injure a Brother, Camp, Department or the Order of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Such charges shall be filed in writing within a reasonable time of the alleged violation; a copy of same being delivered to the accused in a reasonable time before the hearing.
Section 3: Charges made against the Department Commander shall be addressed to the Department Council and sent to the Chairman. The Council may then appoint the Trial Commissioner and proceed with a hearing. In cases involving charges against the Department Commander, the Department Commander shall retain the right to ask that the hearing be convened by the Commander-In-Chief rather than by the Department Council.
Section 4: The provisions of the C & R regarding Discipline shall be observed by all levels within this Department.
ARTICLE XVIII – Sons of Veterans Reserve, Camp Guards and Chief of Staff
Section 1: The Department Commander may call upon the SVR Officer commanding within the Department and request the SVR to provide an appropriate appearance and military participation on behalf of the Department.
Section 2: The Senior Officer of any SVR unit existing within the Department, present at any Department function, shall assume overall command of the military aspects of the Department function. The senior officer of each Camp Guard participating in the Department function shall place himself and his Camp Guard under the command of the SVR Officer.
Section 3: Camps may maintain an independent Camp Guard under the Auspices of the Camp. Said Camp Guards shall not be governed by the Standard Operating procedures of the National Military Department, SVR, with the exception that SVR uniform regulations shall be observed by the Camp Guards. The highest ranking officer of any Camp Guard shall be Captain.
Section 4: Each member of any Camp Guard shall wear upon his kepi the insignia as adopted by the Department. (The Badge for the Department of Tennessee is as yet undetermined)
Section 5: The Department may call upon the various Camps and request that the Camps provide an appropriate appearance and military participation at a Department function.
Section 6: Each Camp with a Camp Guard may regulate the amount of dues for members of such a unit.
Section 7: There shall be no money paid out from the Department Treasury to any source expense or purpose for the SVR or any Camp Guard, unless it is so voted by a two-thirds vote of those present and entitled to vote at any annual Department Encampment.
Section 8: The Department Commander may appoint a Brother of the Department as Department Chief of Staff. Said Brother shall be familiar with both the 1860- 1865 United States Military Regulations and the Order’s Ritual.
Section 9: The Department Chief of Staff shall serve as the liaison between the Department and the SVR and Camp Guards within the Department.
ARTICLE XIX – Inclusion of Other Regulations
Section 1: Included herein by reference and made a part of these Bylaws are the following rules and regulations and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto: Constitution and Regulations of the National Organization of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Regulations and Standard Operating Procedures of the National Military Department of the Sons of Veterans Reserve.
ARTICLE XX – Department Encampment
Section 1: All Past Department Commanders, current and Past Camp Commanders, Department Officers, and Camp Delegates, or Camp Alternates serving in the absence of the Camp Delegates, to the Department of Tennessee Encampment, will register upon arrival at the Encampment with the Department Secretary and shall be considered registered and entitled to vote at the Department Encampment.
Section 2: Present and Past National Officers and Present and Past Department Officers from other Departments, who are not Brothers from Camps within the Department of Tennessee shall not be entitled to vote at a Department of Tennessee Encampment.
Section 3: Only one vote per person may be claimed on the basis of past offices held. Regardless of the number of Camp, Department and/or National offices, past or present, held by any registered Brother of the Department of Tennessee to the Department Encampment, he shall only be entitled to one vote on any issue to come before the Department Encampment.
ARTICLE XXI – Separation, Dissolution and Disposition of Assets
Section 1: In the case of surrender or forfeiture of the Department Charter, all Department property and assets shall be turned over to the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War or to his duly authorized representative and shall become the property of the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War.
Section 2: All property of the Department shall be held for the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose for which the Order exists. Any such transfer or disposal within six (6) months of disbandment or surrender of the Department Charter without the written consent of the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is prohibited. The property and funds of the Department shall not be divided amongst its members.
Section 3: In the event the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War no longer exists, said property and funds shall revert to the benefit of the first and any remaining organization of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or in their absence, to the holdings of the State Archives of Tennessee.
ARTICLE XXII – Assignment of Camp ‘Numbers
Section 1: In accordance with the National Organizations C & R, the Department Commander will assign camp numbers to any new camps forming within the Department.
ARTICLE XXIII – Juniors and Junior Associates
Section 1: Camps within the Department of Tennessee may allow acceptance of Juniors and Junior Associates in compliance with the C & R. Juniors and Junior Associates will also be accepted as members of the Department’s Camp-at-Large. Juniors and Junior Associates will not pay Department or Camp dues.