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HEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Chip Huffman 2409 Depot St Spring Hill, TN 37174 deptcommander@suvcwdepttn.org (615) 337-8030 |
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DEPARTMENT ORDER # 4, 2024-2025
Brothers and Gentlemen of the Department,
1. The Army of the Tennessee Camp 64 has stepped forward and agreed to host the Department Encampment next year.
2. The date has been set for Saturday, March 15, 2025
3. The Encampment will be held in Livingston, TN at the Legion Hall.
4. Details on Hotel Accommodations, Location of the Senior Vice Commander’s Dinner on Friday evening, and the Commanders Dinner on Saturday evening will be determined at a later date.
5. Please save the date and plan to attend. Let’s have a turnout like no other!
So ordered this 7th day of June 2024.
Chip Huffman, PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War