HEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 deptcommander@suvcwdepttn.org 404.374.7442 |
Special Order #4, 2023-2024
Camp Commanders of the Department,
With the end of the calendar year, some housekeeping items:
- The Department Encampment is tentatively set for 16-17 March 2024. More details will be issued later this week.
- At this time of year, we are in the process of nominating / electing and installing Camp officers for the next year. Please let me know what your plans are as I need to appoint an Installation Officer for each of your Camps. The installation officer is charged with:
- Regulation Chapter 1 Article VI Installation
Section 1. Before proceeding with the Installation, the Installing Officer shall require the Camp Treasurer to produce receipt from Department Headquarters for payment of per capita dues in full and all indebtedness due the Department. Failure to comply, the Installing Officer shall have all reports due, prepared, collect and receipt for payment of all indebtedness and induct the officers into their respective offices.
Section 2. Prior to the meeting of a Camp for the Installation of Officers, the Installing Officer shall inspect and examine the books, records, forms, etc. and property of Camp, noting as to correctness, Rituals, Constitution and Regulations, and all necessary details for proper conduct of business, receipt books, dues and credits of Brothers, etc. He shall correct irregularities, impress that the Regulations be observed. He shall make a detailed report thereof to the Department Commander who shall take action for compliance with the Regulations. He shall complete the Installing Officer’s Report (Form 22) before departing and provide the same to the Camp Secretary to be filed with the Department Secretary. This may be legibly handwritten and if so, the Camp Secretary shall type the information and submit both.
- Regulation Chapter 1 Article VI Installation
- With the installation of officers, it’s a great time to get Form 22 filled out and submitted. There is no reason to delay sending this in to the Department Secretary. As noted in Regulation above, it can be legibly handwritten. The installation officer can sign it at the installation. And, the roster of your Camp is not what it will be, it is what it is right now.
- IF your Camp financial year ends on 31 December, then the deadline to update the Camp’s 990N is 15 May. However, the earliest that it can be updated is 01 January. There is no reason to wait until the deadline – this is something that is easily done online as soon as you can! EIN Statuses per the IRS are shown as an attachment
- Don’t know what to answer when family asks “What do you want for Christmas?” A life membership would be a great gift! https://suvcw.org/sites/default/files/2022-04/Form-9fi-May-2021-Final.pdf
So issued this 25th day of November, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War