HEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 deptcommander@suvcwdepttn.org 404.374.7442 |
SPECIAL ORDER # 1, 2023-2024
Camp Commanders and Secretaries,
With the change in Department Officers, and in an attempt to make sure that there is a swift transition of duties, I ask you to be aware of the following:
- Our Department Secretary/Treasurer is Br. Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
2510 HWY 301 South
Hernando, MS 38632
- Our Department Secretary/Treasurer is Br. Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
- All Camp Reports should be sent to Br. Skip for processing.
- Form 27: Camp Annual Report is due with National and Department per capitas on 30 April 2023. Note: This is NOT postmarked by 30 April, this is a deadline. After 30 April, Br. Skip will be working on Form 35: Department Annual Report. Having personally filled out this report, it is tedious. Essentially, he will be adding up all of the Camp 27’s and making sure that your Camp math and the Department math adds up. Often it does not. Give him time to do his work. If your report is late, I may need to suspend your Camp.[1]
- Department per capita remains at $5 per Brother. National per capita is $33 and is shown on the current Form 27. Please use the current form.
- Form 30’s should be processed monthly and not turned in just once a year. As the year progresses, please send them in a timely manner.
- Department per capita remains at $5 per Brother. National per capita is $33 and is shown on the current Form 27. Please use the current form.
So ordered this 29th day of March, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
[1] The CC&R Regulation: Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 16 AND Chapter 3, Article 5, Section 1 requires the Department Commander to suspend your Camp Charter for failure to timely submit.