Department Order #1 – 2021

David Michael DuBrucq
509 Blueridge Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
DEPARTMENT ORDER # 1, 2020-2021

My sincere thanks to all Brothers who were in attendance at our 25th Annual and first virtual Encampment. My thanks to PDC Roger Tenney and Department Secretary/Treasurer George Huttick for all the work they did to make things go as smoothly as possible.

I would also like to add my personal thanks and that of the Department to PDC Roger Tenney for his leadership during an unusual and difficult year for all of us. Well done Brother Tenney.

Congratulations are in order for our newly elected and appointed officers

    • DSVC: PCC Richard “Skip” Rexroade
    • DJVC: Gary M. Burke
    • Secretary/Treasurer: George A. Huttick
    • Asst Secretary/Treasurer: Scott Holmes
    • Department Council:
      • PDC Roger Tenney
      • PDC Ben Block Jones
      • PCC James W. “Bill” Heard

My most sincere thanks to the Brothers of the Department of Tennessee for electing me as your Department Commander for the 2020-2021 term. I am deeply honored by the confidence you have placed in me. All of us together stand ready to meet our challenges and to honor the memory of our Federal ancestors who fought so bravely to preserve our union.

Effective June 25th, 2020, Department Headquarters is transferred to:

509 Blueridge Drive
Murfreesboro, TN 37129

You may reach me by regular mail, e-mail or by phone as listed above. The preferred method of communication is electronic (e-mail)

The following are appointed to the indicated Department office effective Immediately:

    • Department Patriotic Instructor: Br. Joshua Cameron, Pres Andrew Johnson Camp 70
    • Department Chaplain: CC Tommy Phillips, Army of the Tennessee Camp 6
    • Signals Officer: CC George A. Huttick, Sultana Camp 1
    • Civil War Memorials Officer: PDC Roger Tenney, Fort Donelson Camp 62
    • Graves Registration Officer: Br. Darrel Ball, Fort Donelson Camp 62
    • Historian: PDC Clyde Getman, Sultana Camp 1
    • Eagle Scout Coordinator: CC George A. Huttick, Sultana Camp 1
    • ROTC Coordinator: Nick Norwood, Missionary Ridge Camp 63

My Personal thanks and the thanks of the Department are extended to Department Secretary and PDC Michael P. Downs for the Yeoman’s effort they put in to rectify issues with department financial and other records. Well done, Brothers!

Our Emphasis for the 2020-2021 year will be on increasing membership in the Department of Tennessee. Be active and be visible. Advertise wherever possible. Offer articles to local newspapers and radio stations. Be involved in your community’s activities, especially on patriotic holidays. If you own a uniform, wear it to patriotic events, school programs and other appropriate venues. Let local leaders know you are available and ready to serve the community. Recognize area businesses through the use of the Patriotic Flag Display Certificates available from the National Quartermaster, as well as recruiting pamphlets. Promote the organization at every opportunity.

The Importance of the Camp and Department Patriotic Instructor cannot be overemphasized. Camp Commanders shall provide the name and contact information for their camp Patriotic Instructor’s to the Department Patriotic Instructor, Brother Joshua Cameron at upon receipt of this order. Accurate reporting is crucial to maintaining the 501c3 tax exempt status for the SUVCW.

All Department Orders shall remain in effect unless and until rescinded.

So Ordered this 29th Day of June, 2020

David. Michael DuBrucq PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary – Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War