DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2023-2024

George Andrew Huttick
57 Hwy 22S
Shiloh, TN 38376

DEPARTMENT ORDER # 6, 2023-2024
29th Department Awards

Brothers of the Department,

It is my pleasure to announce the awards issued during the 29th Annual Encampment of the Department of Tennessee.

  1. Membership Awards
    1. Corporal William H. Bell Membership Award – Army of Tennessee Camp #64
    2. Private Henry Hoover Membership Award – Army of Tennessee Camp #64
  2. Department Commander Awards
    1. Award of Service to Department Command
      1. Brother David M. DuBrucq, PDC
        Who provided extensive support and insight to the Department Commander
        This Brother served as a sounding board for ideas and direction. His service allowed for a sense of True North for our Department
      2. Brother Michael Downs, PDC
        Who provided extensive support and insight to the Department Commander
        This Brother served as a sounding board for ideas and direction. His service allowed for a sense of True North for our Department
      3. Brother Ben Block Jones II, PDC
        Who provided extensive support for the Department Commander
        This Brother served as a sounding board for approach, proper parliamentary procedure, and adherence to process.
  1. Award of Fraternity to Department Command
    1. Brother Chip Huffman
      Who has exemplified Fraternity to the Department Command. He is a voice of reason.  He has exemplified how to fill a role of Department Officer.  He has also chosen by some odd quirk of his personality to just ‘hang out’ with the Commander.
  2. Award of Loyalty to the Department
    1. Brother Gary M. Burke
      Who is the most visible active member of our Department. His engagement with Civil War groups throughout Middle Tennessee and media presence greatly helps our Order and honors the Boys in Blue.
  3. Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award
    1. Daniel T. Girton – Army of Tennessee #64
      Brother Dan has been extraordinary in carrying out his duties, more often than not going above and beyond what one would normally expect. He is prompt, contentious and thorough. Brother Dan answers all inquiries promptly and strives for accuracy and detail in everything he does. He is also active in recruiting new members and welcoming then into the fold.  Simply put, he works hard for his Camp and Department.  Whether in his capacity as Secretary Treasurer or as a volunteer at camp events and re-enactments.  If anyone deserves recognition, Brother Dan does!

So ordered this 16th day of March, 2024

George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War


Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War