HEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR George Andrew Huttick 57 Hwy 22S Shiloh, TN 38376 deptcommander@suvcwdepttn.org 404.374.7442 |
Special Order #5, 2023-2024
Camp Commanders, Secretaries, Department Officers, Past Department Commanders,
Some reminders:
- Please review Department Order #5 (http://www.suvcwdepttn.org/?p=1356) regarding Department Encampment. Make sure that this has been forwarded to the Brothers of your Camps.
- Please review Special Order #4. (http://www.suvcwdepttn.org/?p=1354). To date, I have heard from Sultana Camp #1, Fort Donelson Camp #62 and Army of Tennessee Camp #64 regarding officer elections and installations.
- Congratulations to Br. Edward Phillips who has been installed as Commander of Fort Donelson Camp #62
- Congratulations to Br. David Burchfield who has been installed as Commander of Army of Tennessee Camp #64
- Additionally, one of my goals for this year was to create a document that outlines Hosting a Department Encampment. It is attached (http://www.suvcwdepttn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Department-Encampment-Host-Guide.pdf) . I would welcome any additions or edits. Please reply with your thoughts. In my mind, Department (and National) Encampments give us a larger sense of the Order, and the better we host the events, the more Brothers will attend. This will have the added benefit of leading Brothers to leadership at higher levels. The document also goes to address our relationship with the Joseph H. Rider ASUVCW #62, which will be part of our Encampments moving forward. The Camps with Sisters in that Allied Order are already seeing positive benefits to their presence and assistance.
So issued this 27th day of December, 2023
George Andrew Huttick
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Richard “Skip” Rexroade, CC
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War