HEADQUARTERS OF THE DEPARTMENT COMMANDER DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Chip Huffman 2409 Depot St Spring Hill, TN 37174 deptcommander@suvcwdepttn.org (615) 337-8030 |
Brothers of the Department,
At the 29th Encampment, the Department agreed to form a Host Committee to begin the work of scoping a National Encampment to be held in the Department of Tennessee with Mississippi. Several Brothers expressed interest in helping with the Host Committee.
- I have asked Br. George Andrew Huttick, PDC to chair the Host Committee.
- I ask the Br. Huttick reach out to the Department to develop the committee from the Brothers who expressed interest, Br. Kevin Tucker, PDC, National Jr Vice C-in-C, as well as any others that were not in attendance who may help us get the work done.
a. Committee members should be prepared to serve until the conclusion of the Allied Orders National Encampment in the year being proposed. Continuity and dedication are essential qualities for these committee members - I ask Br. Huttick to reach out the Auxiliary-at-Large Joseph H. Rider #62 for their help on the Committee. The Sisters of the Auxiliary-at-Large have already expressed interest in helping. As they are a new Auxiliary-at-Large, they have noted that they will not be able to commit to financial support at this time.
a. Br. Huttick should also reach out to any other Allied Order in our Department to see if they are interested in assisting in the endeavor, with the understanding of the commitment required above (2.a.) - This Host Committee is authorized to do the following:
a. Put together a proposal for Hosting an Encampment and submit it to the National Encampment Site Committee
b. Submit a Letter of Intention to the National Encampment Site Committee, listing the Requested Year and Possible Locations (Nashville, Knoxville, Memphis, Chattanooga in our case).
i. The Host Committee will receive an Instruction Book at a meeting during the next Allied National Encampment.
c. Host Committee will then send out Request For Proposal (RFP)s to Hotels and select at least three hotels which fit the requirements. The Host Committee then has 90 Days to submit a Written Proposal to the National Encampment Site Committee.
d. The Host Committee must then prepare a Formal Proposal for the National Encampment Site Committee. Once the National Site Committee have a chance to evaluate it and approve it, the Host Committee will submit a motion to host the Encampment for a vote Department Encampment. - This Committee is not authorized to:
a. Bind us to holding a National Encampment. That will happen at Department Encampment meeting (or Special Department Encampment Meeting called for that purpose). - The target for the Department holding a National Encampment will be 2026. Yet that may be adjusted based on the findings of the Host Committee
So ordered this 1st day of April, 2024
Chip Huffman, PCC
Department Commander
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
Attest: George Andrew Huttick
Department Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War