26th Encampment Minutes


Minutes were adopted at the 27th Department Encampment, 2 April 2022

26th Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Annual Encampment


  1. The 26th Department of Tennessee was opened by Commander David DuBrucq to ritual at 09:00 a.m. 17 April 2021 at the MTSU Center for Historic Preservation, Murfreesboro, TN
    1. A presentation of a plaque and honorarium of $50 were presented to Laura Holder of the MTSU Center for Historic Preservation
  2. Roll-call of Officers
    1. Commander; Dave DuBrucq, DC – present
    2. Vice Commander; Skip Rexroade, PCC – not present
    3. Vice Commander: Gary M. Burke – present
    4. Secretary / Treasurer: George Andrew Huttick, PCC – present
    5. Secretary / Treasurer – Scott W. Holmes, PCC – not present
    6. Council;
      1. Ben Jones, PDC – not present
      2. William “Bill” Heard – present
  • Roger Tenney, PDC – not present
  1. Chaplain; Tommy Phillips, PCC – present
  2. Patriotic Instructor; Joshua Cameron – not present
  3. Historian; Clyde Getman – not present (arrived later)
  4. Graves Registration Officer – Darrell Ball – not present
  5. Civil War Memorial Officer; Roger Tenney, PDC – not present
  6. Eagle Scout Coordinator; George Andrew Huttick – present
  7. Signals Officer; George Andrew Huttick – present
  1. Recognition of guests
    1. National Graves Registation Officer, Henry Duquette
  2. Report of Committee on Credentials / Roll-call of members as reported
    1. At the opening of Encampment, the roll call following Brothers was taken. There was a quorum.
      1. Sultana Camp 1 in Memphis TN
        1. Clyde J. Getman, PDC
        2. George Andrew Huttick, PCC
      2. Fort Donelson Camp 62
        1. Chip Huffman, CC
        2. Sam Gant, PDC
        3. Gary Burke
  • Missionary Ridge Camp 63
  1. Maj William McTeer Camp 39
    1. George Lane, PCC
    2. Rich Holmes
  2. Army of Tennessee Camp 64
    1. Dave DuBrucq, DC
    2. Tommy Phillips, PCC
    3. William Heard
    4. Ted Sheldon
    5. Dan Girton
  3. Pres Andrew Johnson Camp 70
  1. Reports of Officers and Department Council
    1. Reports were distributed as packets.
    2. Secretary / Treasurer report was given
      1. Department has $2783.33 in funds
      2. Other per Capita checks for the next year have been received, yet not deposited or accounted. They will be give to the next Secretary / Treasurer providing a clean break point for the accounts.
    3. Reception and reference of communications
      1. Sultana Camp #1 – Resolution for Past Department Commander Badge
        1. Moved to new business
      2. Mike Downs, PDC – Resolution for Preservation for Monuments
        1. Moved to new business
      3. Unfinished business
        1. Approval of minutes of 25th Department Encampment
          (M: T. Sheldon, S: C. Huffman, passed)
      4. Awards
        1. Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award of Appreciation – Rich Holmes
          For work in restoring graves in East Tennessee and engaging youth in helping with the work
        2. Department Commander Award of Appreciation – George Andrew Huttick


  1. New Business
    1. Proposed Changes to Department By-Laws
      1. Changes to accommodate Secretary / Treasurer as provided in Ver. C approved last Encampment
        1. Should be considered technical corrections
        2. M: G. Lane; S: D. Girton; Passed
      2. Article III, Section 5. – Requires resolutions to be received 75 days prior to Encampment for action, and published to the Camps 60 days prior to Encampment
        1. Recommended by M. Day
        2. M: T. Sheldon; S: G. Burke; passed
  • Article V Section 2 and 3 – Provides for streamlining the per-approved expenditures by Secretary/Treasurer
    1. Correct text from fifty to seventy-five
    2. M: T. Phillips; S: R. Holmes; passed
  1. Section VII Section 2 – Paperwork reduction act
    1. M: C. Huffman; S: D. Girton; passed
  2. Section VII Section 4 – matches Nat’l expemptions from per Capita
    1. Friendly amendment to change wording to read:
      “Camps shall be exempt from Department Per Capita Tax to match the exemptions provided for National Per Capita Tax on Form 27”
    2. M: S. Gant; S: R. Holmes; passed
  3. Article XI – Section 1 and 2 – Cleans ; passed up Department Member at Large AND Article IX – Section 5 – eliminates new Department Members at Large
    1. M: G. Lane; S: T. Shelson; passed
  4. Resolution: PDC Badge – Sultana Camp Resolution – Provides for a Past Department Commander badge
    1. M: S. Gant; S: R. Holmes; passed
  5. Proposal from M. Downs, PDC – Policy for Monument Preservation
    1. M: G. Burke; S: C. Getman; passed
  6. Motion: Signal Officer to create a section of the Department Website that maintains all passed policy and resolutions so they are not ‘lost’ to time.
    1. M: S. Gant; S: C. Huffman; passed
  7. Delegates for National Encampment
    1. Nominations
      1. George Andrew Huttick
      2. Chip Huffman
      3. Gary Burke
      4. Rich Holmes
      5. Bill Heard
      6. Tommy Phillips
      7. Motion to accept the delegates by unanimous consent: C. Huffman; S: T. Sheldon; passed
    2. Nomination of Officers (done by roll call of the Camps)
      1. Motion made that in the case of one nominee, the Secretary cast a vote for entire quorum as unopposed.
        1. Getman; S: R. Holmes; passed
      2. Commander
        1. Sultana: Richard “Skip” Rexroade, PCC – not present, not eligible, nomination invalid
          1. Note: there was lengthy discussion at this point, however it was clear that the Department cannot override C&R.
        2. Sultana: George Andrew Huttick, PCC – declined the nomination
        3. Fort Donelson: David DuBrucq, DC (M: C. Huffman; S: G. Burke – Secretary cast one vote)
  • Sr. Vice Commander
    1. Sultana: Richard “Skip” Rexroade, PCC – (M: C. Getman; S: G. Huttick)
    2. Fort Donelson: George Andrew Huttick, PCC (M: C. Huffman; S: R. Holmes)
      1. Ballot vote taken; George Andrew Huttick, PCC elected by majority vote
    3. Jr. Vice Commander
      1. Fort Donelson: Chip Huffman, CC (M: S. Gant; S: B. Heard – Secretary cast one vote)
    4. Secretary / Treasurer
      1. Sultana: Gary W. Moore – (M: C. Getman; S: G. Huttick; acceptance of nomination certified by G. Huttick – Secretary cast one vote)
    5. Asst. Secretary / Treasurer
      1. Fort Donelson: Scott W. Homes, PCC (M: C. Huffman; S: G. Burke – Secretary cast one vote)
  • Council
    1. Fort Donelson: Gary Burke (M: C. Huffman; S: S. Gant)
    2. McTeer: George Lane (M: R. Holmes, D. Girton)
    3. Army of Tennessee: Dan Girton (M: T. Phillips; S: B. Heard)
      1. Ballot vote taken; Gary Burke and George Lane, PCC elected by majority vote
    4. Installation of Officers (ritual)
    5. Other information / business
      1. Informational: Br. G. Burke relayed the work that is happening to create signage near Granbury’s Lunette to recognize U.S.C.T. involvement in the Battle of Nashville
      2. Informational: Br. S. Gant, PDC relayed the work that is happening for four obelisks to be installed in Franklin TN to provide context to the Battle of Franklin.
    6. Closing ceremony (ritual)




Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Department of Tennessee

Officer Report – 2020-2021




For my roles within the Department, I submit the following reports:

Secretary / Treasurer / (Assistant Treasurer)

The Department accounts as of this report are shown.  There may be additional adjustments up to the start of Encampment. 

01 January 2020



01 Jan 2021















Other checks not deposited





17 Apr 2021





16 April 2021


31 Dec 2020





Outstanding issues:






$28 is due to not submitting Form 30 for Seth Breon reinstatement?









 Overpayment on new members (multiple times)



Underpaid 2019 per Capita by $10

  • The Department needs to be diligent about voting on per Capita each year. 
  • The Department needs to determine if they will help pay for Department Encampments.  The increase in Department per Capita was to help with this.





Non-Refunded donations

  • Our website continues to be donated.  Without the donation, this would cost us ~$125.00/yr.

Inventory (incomplete, only noting what is in my possession)

  • Two (2) – U.S. Grant Cups
  • Department check book; Department files (such as they are)

Eagle Scout Coordinator

The Department and its Camps did not issue any Eagle Scout certifications during 2020.  We did advertise on several of the Boy Scout of America Council’s Facebook pages.  Additionally, we are about to issue one for 2021.

Signals Officer

We continue to maintain an internet presence with a dedicated internet website.  This site needs a thorough review in 2021 to make it look fresh.

We continue to have a social media presence on both Facebook (with both a page and a group), and on Instagram.


I served as Sultana Camp #1 Commander in 2020.  I am now a Past Camp Commander.  I became a Life Member in 2020.  I am a dual member of Fort Donelson Camp #62 and Sultana Camp #1.  I hold several minor functions in each Camp.

I remain a staff officer for the 7th Military District, Sons of Union Veterans Reserve (Chief of Staff).  I am a member of the Major General Samuel P. Carter Company.

Submitted 16 April 2021

I remain your humble and dedicated servant.

In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty.


George Andrew Huttick
Secretary / Treasurer
Eagle Scout Coordinator
Signals Officer
Venerable Degenerate
Department of Tennessee
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War


Report of Department Historian

                                           Department of Tennessee, S.U.V.C.W

                             Submitted by Clyde J. Getman, Department Historian

Annual Reports are often difficult to assemble and put into printable form and usually boring to read.

This one was not difficult to assemble, but probably just as boring to read.

And it is with a sense of sadness it is submitted.

The past year has been a difficult time for all of us.  The national health situation has affected each of us, not just in our personal and family lives, but in every sphere in which we have been involved.  Family, friends and loved ones a year ago have suffered severely.  Some of them are no longer with us.  We no longer will share joyful times and celebrations and tell stories with some of our colleagues.  They have answered the final muster.

The social and political unrest and upheaval of recent months have affected us in multiple ways.  Our Civil War and associated activities have been severely impacted.  Re-enactments and the honoring of our national heroes have been cancelled, some to never return.  Monuments to those who have earned the right to honor have been defaced, damaged and destroyed.  This is a national shame and an embarrassment to our nation and to us who proudly proclaim its virtues.  This ought not to be.

A selection of words spoken in a previous century in a time of similar unrest and upheaval.

‘It is for us,,,to be dedicated to the unfinished work which they so nobly advanced…, to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us,…that this nation, under God, shall have  new birth of freedom.” 

We memorized this years ago.  It is as true today, April 17, 2021, as it was on November 19, 1863.  It is part of our history.

Reviewing the history of our department during the past year, I am reminded of a couple of tings.  Our department is the sum total of our camps.  The work of our department is the sum total of the work of our camps.  You and me.  Reviewing the records of our camps, our officers and committees, I realized that our history has a low priority in our departments.  Historians often have the office with one or two other offices, and Historian is not high on the list.  I can repeat the same thing for other offices and committees.  I know, “We do not have enough active members to fill all the offices,” or the 80/20 rule, 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people.  Some camps have not appointed a person to the office of historian.  And it is not unknown for a camp to not submit the required Annual Report.  I have served as Secretary and Commander in both camp and department.  I know.  Bur do not ask me, ask the Secretary or Commander of any camp or of our department.  The answers from each will not be identical.  But the cumulative responses taken from all of them will be remarkably similar.

I requested reports from each of our camp historians or their surrogate, the commander.  The responses received were minimal.  It was not unexpected.  And I am or have been involved in a number of other fraternal, patriotic, civic, social and governmental groups.  He number of members is of little consequence.  A group of 20-30 member is not by necessity less effective than a group of 100-200 members.

“To the great task remaining before us.”

Thank you for your attention.  And God bless.


Annual Camp Commander Report to Department of Tennessee and Mississippi

2020 – 2021


Fort Donelson Camp #62

Chip Huffman, Camp Commander

April 9, 2021

Fort Donelson Camp 62, as of April 9, 2021 has 45 Members.  Many of our members are also members of the SVR.  The Camp is growing, having added several new members this past year.

2020 and 2021 have been challenging for all of us due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Camp 62 is no exception!

We held our Bi-Monthly meeting at Fort Negley on January 28, 2020. Our business meeting was followed by a great speaker:  Cody Engdahl presented “The 2nd Michigan Cavalry from Detroit to Perryville” from his book:  Rampage on the River: The Battle of Island No. 10 and The Perils of Perryville. Sadly, as the Pandemic descended on our world, that would be the final In Person Meeting of 2020. In the interest of Camp Member’s safety, we cancelled our March and May meetings and began Virtual Meetings via the Zoom Platform in July. These meetings consisted of a 40-minute Business Meeting and we were not able to have our normal speakers.  Our annual November meeting featured our Officer Elections, along with a beautiful Memorial Tribute which includes a poignant reading of each Member’s Name along with their Ancestor’s Name.

The Camp hosted the 2020 Department Encampment on June 25, 2020 via the Zoom Platform, fielding our full complement of Delegates.  Camp 62 PCC and Department of Tennessee PDC Roger A. Tenney conducted the meeting.

The Camp also sent several Delegates and Alternates to last year’s National Encampment which was held via the Zoom Platform on October 24, 2020.

The future for Camp 62 looks bright with continuing support from our members.

In Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,


Chip Huffman


Fort Donelson Camp #62


(615) 337-8030 Cell


Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

Nashville, TN

Sons of Union Veterans of the   Civil War

Department of Tennessee and Mississippi


25th Department of Tennessee Virtual Encampment

  1. The 25th Department of Tennessee was opened by Commander Roger Tenney using modified ritual.  This was the first Encampment of the Department that was held virtually with all members joining electronically (either by video conference or by phone)
  2. Roll-call of Officers
    1. Commander; Roger A. Tenney – present
    2. Sr. Vice Commander; Dave DuBrucq – present
    3. Jr. Vice Commander: Skip Rexroade – not present
    4. Secretary / Treasurer: George Andrew Huttick – present
    5. Council;
  1. Ben Jones – present
  2. Carl Addison – present
  • Gary Burke – not present at opening (joined later)
    1. Chaplain; Gary Burke   – not present at opening (joined later)
    2. Patriotic Instructor; Carl Addison – present
    3. Historian; Clyde Getman – present
    4. Civil War Memorial Officer; Dave DuBrucq – present
    5. Eagle Scout Coordinator; George Andrew Huttick – present
    6. ROTC Coordinator; Nick Norwood – present
    7. Signals Officer; George Andrew Huttick – present
  1. Recognition of guests
    1. Commander in Chief, Br. Ed Norris
    2. Council of Administration, Br. Bruce Frail, PDC
  2. Report of Committee on Credentials / Roll-call of members as reported
    1. At the opening of Encampment, the roll call following Brothers was taken.  All are delegates unless otherwise noted.
  1. Sultana Camp 1 in Memphis TN
    1. Burns Sr, Joe Arthur
    2. Chandler, Randall H
    3. Getman, Clyde J, PDC, Dept Historian
    4. Huttick, George Andrew, CC, Dept Sec / Treasurer
    5. Jones II, Ben Block Burton, PDC, Dept Council
  2. Fort Donelson Camp 62
    1. Collins, Bryan Darrell
    2. Holmes, Scott W
    3. Huffman, Chip, CC
    4. Sears, Chris
    5. Smyth III, Joseph
    6. Tenney, Roger Alan, Department Commander
    7. Van Beck, Todd
  • Missionary Ridge Camp 63
    1. Norwood, Nicholas Neal, CC
    2. Scarborough, Harvey
  1. MG James H Wilson 01
    1. Addison, Carl E, Dept PI
    2. Alford, Eric Daniel, CC
  2. Pvt. Richard Taylor 53
    1. Blanton Jr, Richard Lewis
    2. Garrett, Michael Kevin, CC
    3. Hintze, Geoffrey Crawford, PDC
    4. Hubbs, Mark Edward
  3. Maj William McTeer Camp 39
    1. McTeer, Jason, CC
  • Army of Tennessee Camp 64
    1. Downs, Michael Patrick, PDC
    2. DuBrucq, David Michael, Dept Sr. Vice Commander
    3. Girton, Daniel Thomas
    4. Heard, James William
    5. Looper, Jack (attendee)
    6. Phillips, Tommy Lynn, CC
    7. Welch, Keith Dale
  • Pres Andrew Johnson Camp 70
    1. Cameron, Joshua
    2. Massey, William R, CC
  1. MG John T Croxton 17
    1. Goodwin, Brent, CC
    2. Harbison, Michael David
    3. Mize, Joel Sanford (attendee)
    4. Poarch, Howard Demoval
  2. Late attendees
    1. Gary Burke
    2. Others?
    1. It was noted that President Andrew Johnson Camp was not in good standing.  Their reports had not been received, and their per Capita was missing.  The Secretary / Treasurer attested that the Camp was working on the issue, and that items were credibly mailed.
  1. The Encampment voted to let the Camp participate in Encampment as in Good Order, although the issue needed to be resolved.
  1. Instructions for the Encampment to be given (virtual meeting)
    1. Reports of Officers
  1. Sr. Vice Commander – no report given
  2. Jr. Vice Commander – no report given
  • Secretary / Treasurer – status of Department Accounts given – report attached.
    1. 24th Encampment By-laws provided as unfinished business
  1. Council of Administration – notes from their meeting were presented
    1. Department Aides Reports
  1. Patriotic Instructor – annual report submitted
  2. Chaplain
    1. Commander Tenney noted the deaths of
      1. Halsell, Army of Tennessee Camp #64
      2. Jamison R “Fuji” Gorrell – a dedicated ACW living historian in Middle Tennessee
  • Historian – no report given
  1. Civil War Memorial – no report given
  2. Eagle Scout Coordinator – report submitted
  3. ROTC Coordinator – report submitted
  • Signal Officer – report submitted
    1. Reports of Camps
  1. Sultana – Report given
  2. Fort Donelson – Report given
  • Missionary Ridge – no report given
  1. Wilson – no report given
  2. Taylor – Report given
  3. McTeer – no report given
  • Army of Tennessee – Report given
  • Andrew Johnson – no report given
  1. Croxton – no report given
  1. Reception and reference of communications
    2. Letter of Intent – Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief – Br. Bruce Frail, PDC, Nat’l COA, Graves Registration
    3. RESOLUTION that the three Alabama Camps be permitted to form an independent Department of Alabama
  1. To be acted under New Business
    1. Commemorative Department Encampment Medal
  1. Unfinished business
    1. Approval of the minutes from the 24th Department Encampment
  1. Original file as received from the late Br. David McReynold’s
  2. Accepted with changes (motion to accept: M. Downs second: D. DuBrucq)
    1. Fix Br. Dan Girton’s name
    2. Huffman gave the Fort Donelson Camp Report
    3. Fix Br. Ben Block Jones to II not III
  1. Report of Department Council (Not referred to Committee.)
    1. Action: Department per Capita
  1. Passed by unanimous consent.
  1. New Business



    1. Changes to Department By-Laws
  1. Article I Add the following language as paragraph 2
    1. The department is organized as an unincorporated association under the laws of the State of Tennessee. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.
  • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. D. DuBrucq
  • Motion passed
    1. Add ARTICLE II – Activities not in furtherance of exempt purposes
      1. No part of the net earnings of any part of this unincorporated association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the unincorporated association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)3 of the federal tax code. No substantial part of the activities of the unincorporated association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the unincorporated association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws, the unincorporated association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an unincorporated association exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code, or (b) by an unincorporated association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
  • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. D. DuBrucq
  • Motion passed
  • Modify
    Section 1: The Department Council shall meet after their installation and elect a Chairman, and Secretary. All Past Department Commanders will be asked to serve one, two year term as a member of the Department Council, upon leaving office. The Department Council shall have charge and supervision of all investments of funds and property of the Department. They shall convene no later than the morning of the first day of the Department Encampment at nine o’clock a.m. (9:00 a.m.) for the purpose of an full audit of the Department books and accounts, and accounting for all Department property; and to review a budget, prepared by the Department Treasurer, for the upcoming year; and for the consideration of such other business as may be brought to its attention.
  • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. C. Huffman
  • Notion passed
    1. Section 4: Camps shall be exempt from Department Per Capita Tax assessment on Real Sons, Life Members, and Juniors.
  • Discussion:
    • Brothers noted that Life Members are committed to the organization and should remain exempt.
  • Motion Br. D. DuBrucq Second: Br. C. Huffman
  • Motion Failed
    1. Section 2: Authorization for a Department certificate of appreciation award is provided. The award shall be known as the Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award of Appreciation. The award shall be conferred by the Department Commander upon any individual or entity who, in the judgment of a three-member panel appointed by the Department Commander, has through his/her actions, words, and/or deeds significantly contributed to the furtherance of the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic within the Boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. Recommendations for possible recipients of said award shall be submitted, along with a one-page description of the contribution made, to the Department Secretary no later than two (2) months prior to the annual Department Encampment. Recipients of the award shall be publicly announced and a certificate and/or other appropriate symbol of the award presented at the annual Department of Tennessee Encampment. No more than three (3) recipients shall be selected for the award in any one year.
      • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. D. DuBrucq
      • Motion Passed
    2. Change ARTICLE XXII – Separation, Dissolution and Disposition of Assets
      1. Section 1: In the case of surrender or forfeiture of the Department Charter, all Department property and assets shall be turned over to the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War or to his duly authorized representative and shall become the property of the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, an organization exempt from taxes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
      2. Section 2: All property of the Department shall be held for the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose for which the Order exists. Any such transfer or disposal within six months of disbandment or surrender of the Camp Charter without the written consent of the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is prohibited. The property and funds of the Department shall not be divided among its members.
      3. Section 3: In the event the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, no longer exists, said property and funds shall revert to the benefit of the first and any remaining organization of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or in their absence, to the holdings of the State Archives of Tennessee.
      4. Section 4: Notwithstanding the above language, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.

        • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. D. DuBrucq
        • Motion Passed

  • Change ARTICLE XXIV – Juniors and Junior Associates
    1. Section 1: Camps within the Department of Tennessee may allow acceptance of Juniors and Junior Associates in compliance with the C & R. Juniors and Junior Associates will also be accepted as members of the Department’s Camp-at-Large. Juniors and Junior Associates will not pay Department or Camp dues.
    2. ARTICLE XXIV – Juniors and Junior Associates
    3. Section 1: All Brothers under the age of 18 years of age should be accompanied by a parent or person designated as a Guardian (Grandfather or Grandmother, Brother or Sister over the age of 18 years, or Aunt or Uncle) when participating in ANY SUVCW activity. Any parent or guardian attending a business meeting of the department shall not be permitted to participate in the activities of such meeting.
    4. Section 2: At no time will a non-related Brother be permitted “one on one” contact with a Brother under the age of 18. Any interaction with a Brother under the age of 18 must always include at least two (2) Brothers over the age of 18. It is preferable that juniors and junior associates participate in “public” events and activities, whenever possible, to avoid the need for private contact between a Brother under the age of 18 and an unrelated Brother over the age of 18.
    5. Section 3: Any Brother who witnesses or suspects, in good faith, any type of physical, mental or sexual abuse of any member under the age of 18 will immediately report such suspicion to local authorities first and then the local Camp and Department Commanders immediately thereafter.
    6. Section 4: Every Brother over the age of 18 who may have contact with a Brother under the age of 18 should complete training related to protecting children from abuse of any type. Free training is available from the Boy Scouts of America at http://www-myscouting-org. You will need to create an account, then select the Training, then choose the Youth Protection Training. It takes about 30 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you will be able to print a certificate along with a wallet-size certification card which is good for a period of two (2) years. While this training is not a requirement, it is highly suggested that it is completed to be used as a tool to protect our youth and Brothers.
    7. Section 5: Ultimately, all Brothers must comply with all applicable local and State laws pertaining to child abuse.

  • Amended
    • Section 4: Every Brother over the age of 18 who may have contact with a Brother under the age of 18 should complete training related to protecting children from abuse of any type. Free training is available from the Boy Scouts of America.  You will need to choose the Youth Protection Training. While this training is not a requirement, it is highly suggested that it is completed to be used as a tool to protect our youth and Brothers.
  • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. D. DuBrucq
  • Motion Passed
    • Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Department Secretary to issue a draft of the minutes of the Departmental Encampment to the elected and appointed officers of the Department, all Camp Commanders, and all Brothers in attendance at the Departmental Encampment within 30 days of the formal conclusion of the Departmental Encampment. This draft may be issued either electronically or by United States postal service.
      • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. C. Huffman
      • Motion Passed
  1. Section 6: Pursuant to the C & R a sufficient number of Brothers of the Department of Tennessee shall be elected as Delegates and Alternates to attend and represent the Department of Tennessee at the Annual National Encampment of the Order. All other Brothers in good standing at time of the Annual National Encampment may serve as alternates should an elected Delegate not be able to attend. If there are more willing Alternates than openings, the Department Commander shall determine which Brothers will be the Alternate(s). Said election shall occur at the Annual Department Encampment.
    • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. C. Huffman
    • Motion Passed
  2. ARTICLE III – Officers and their Duties
    1. Section 1: The elected officers of the Department shall be as follows: Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander, three (3) members of the Council, a  Secretary, and a Treasure  Secretary/Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary/Treasurer. All terms, except for the Department Council, will be for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and installed. Terms for members of the Department Council will be two years. The Commander, Secretary, or  Treasurer  Secretary/Treasurer, or Assistant Secretary/Treasurer shall not serve on the Department Council. If willing to serve, the most recent Past Department Commander shall join the Department Council. The same member may hold the office of Department Secretary and the office of Department Treasurer simultaneously  The above named elected officers shall all be Brothers of the Department of Tennessee and shall meet the requirements and perform their duties as detailed in the C & R.
  • Amended
    • If willing to serve, The most recent Past Department Commander shall join the Department Council. 
  • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. J. McTeer
  • Motion Passed
    1. Section 5: All officers of the Department (elected and appointed) shall upon their retirement from office turn over to their successor all property of the Department within ten (10) days after leaving office., with the exception of the physical Department financial records, checkbooks, and other accounts which shall be transferred at the Department Encampment.
      • Motion Br. M. Downs Second: Br. B. Jones
      • Motion Passed
  • Add Section 7. The Department Secretary/Treasurer shall ensure that following individuals have signatory access to the Department Accounts: the Council member who has most recently joined the Council of Administration and the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer within four (4) business weeks of assuming office. Copies of the details of Department accounts including Banking Institution, account numbers, etc. shall be provided to everyone having signatory access as well as the Department Commander.
    • Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. J. McTeer
    • Motion Passed
  • Existing ARTICLES V – BondsRemove the entire Article
    1. Section 1: The Department Treasurer shall, within fifteen (15) days from the date of his installation furnish a bond in an amount to be fixed by the Department Council which sum shall not be less than one thousand dollars ($1000), for the faithful performance of his duties, and a just accounting for all funds and property of the Department that may come into his hands, said bonds to be taken in the name of the Department of Tennessee, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and to be held in trust for the Department of Tennessee.
  • Section 2: The bond shall be taken in a reliable surety company, authorized to conduct and conducting business in the state in which the treasurer resides, and shall be paid out of the funds of the Department of Tennessee.
  1. Note: With modern banking process, and the reality that we have always had multiple persons with signatory responsibility, we would either have to bond everyone with signatory responsibility or limit access to just the Secretary/Treasurer. I can find no evidence that we have actually bonded anyone in the past several cycles (although, there is so much unknown, that it is likely that we did much further in the past).
    • Motion Br. D. DuBrucq Second: Br. C. Huffman
    • Motion Passed
    • National Commander-in-Chief noted that the requirement still stands at the National level, and the Department falls under that requirement. resources on ways to meet this requirement.
      1. Note: this should be resolved by Council of Administration during the upcoming year.
      2. C&R pg 120 Chpt 5 Gen Regulations Article III
      3. “Prime Plus Policy”
    1. Meeting was ‘suspended’ for a break
    2. Resolution from the Camps in Alabama
  1. Resolution is attached
    1. Additional presentation of the matter was provided by Br. Goodwin, CC Croxton Camp, and Br. H. Poarch, PCC Croxton Camp
      1. Several General Orders were brought up that the Department Officers, and National visitors were not aware of prior to Encampment.
        1. Series 1996 – 1997 General Order #6
          1. The Department of Tennessee is hereby notified that it may expand its borders to include Alabama. This order to being executed in order to allow camps formed in or to be formed in Alabama to become a part of the Department of Tennessee ,provided, when at least three camps have been formed in Alabama, a Department of Alabama shall be formed. At that time, the boundary of the Department of Tennessee shall revert to the boundary in force at the time of this General Order # 6.
        2. Series 1997 – 1998 General Order #2 regarding the service area of the Department of Tennessee
      2. This led to questions regarding whether the Resolution needed to acted upon.
        1. It was determined that since research would be needed to determine if the General Order was rescinded or other changes would make it necessary, the Encampment should err to caution and act on the resolution.
      3. Discussion was held
        1. PDC M. Downs expressed his disappointment and disagreement with the
      4. Motion Br. B. Jones Second: Br. J. McTeer
        1. Roll Call
          1. Sultana – Yes
          2. Fort Donelson – Yes
  • Missionary Ridge – Yes
  1. Wilson – Yes
  2. Taylor – Yes
  3. McTeer – No
  • Army of Tennessee – Yes
  • Andrew Johnson – Yes
  1. Croxton – Yes
  1. Resolution passed 8 – 1
    1. Delegates for National Encampment
  1. Nine openings
    1. Sultana – George Andrew Huttick, CC
      – Skip, Rexroade, PCC
    2. Fort Donelson – Chip Huffman, CC
    3. Missionary Ridge – Nick Norwood, CC
    4. Wilson – Eric Alford, CC
    5. Taylor – Richard Blanton
      – Michael Garrett, CC
    6. McTeer –
    7. Army of Tennessee – D. DuBrucq
    8. Andrew Johnson –
    9. Croxton – B. Goodwin
  2. Motion E. Alford Second B. Jones
  • Slate of Delegates elected
    1. Nomination of Officers
  1. Council
    1. Two openings
      1. Roger Tenney (soon to be PDC)
      2. Bill Heard
      3. B. there was another nomination for a Brother from the Camps in Alabama, after discussion, the Brother removed his name from consideration as it was unlikely he would fill one year of a two year term.
    2. Assistant Secretary Treasurer – Scott Holmes
  • Br. Clyde Getman noted to the Department that we usually went from Senior to least Senior roles. Nominations moved to that order.  [Ed. Note: we also lost some of our Department tradition.  Typically, nominations are done by roll call of the Camps, and the individual is usually nominated by their Camp, and then from the floor.  This did not happen at this Encampment.]
  1. Commander – Dave DuBrucq, PCC
  2. Sr. Vice Commander – Skip Rexroade, PCC
    1. Camp attested that he had stated in a Camp meeting that he would accept nomination
  3. Jr. Vice Commander – Gary Burke
  • Secretary / Treasurer – George Andrew Huttick, CC
  • Motion: Br. B. Jones Second: C. Huffman
  1. Slate of officers were elected.
  1.  Installation of Officers
    1. The Officers were installed by the Commander-in-Chief Ed Norris
  2. Closing ceremony
    1. Comments from the new Commander
  1. Emphasis of the Department will be on membership
  2. And support to complete cleaning up the finances and other matters of the Department
  • Filling of the remaining appointed positions will happen soon
  1. Thanks to Command Roger Tenney for his past year of service and for his service over the past years in the Department
  2. Thanks to the Secretary / Treasurer and Mike Downs, PDC in the work on cleaning up the financial and other issues this year.
  3. Thanks to the Commander-in-Chief
  • Thanks to Br. Frail for attending
    1. Other business / comments
  1. Br. Getman recommended that it was in the minutes that Br. Huttick and Br. Downs did their work this year.





February 13, 2020 Department Commander Department Tennessee, MS and AL Encampment We, the Commanders of the Alabama Camps respectfully submit the following resolution to the Encampment of the Department of Tennessee to be held March 21, 2020:

WHEREAS the members of the three Alabama Camps have discussed the desire to form an independent department separate and distinct from the current Department of Tennessee; and

WHEREAS all essential records have been assembled and submitted to National and to the ExDir, National Secretary, CINC and the National Counselor PCinC Darby per the Constitution and Regulations and directed by CinC Edward Norris; and

WHEREAS it is just and proper that the members recognize the many good and noble benefits of said separation;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the three Alabama Camps, MG James H. Wilson Camp No. 1, Private Richard Taylor Camp No. 53, and MG John T. Croxton, Camp No. 17, be permitted to form an independent Department of Alabama.


Howard D. Poarch, PC MG John T. Croxton Camp No. 17
Member MG James H. Wilson, Camp 1

Brent B. Goodwin, CC MG John T. Croxton, Camp 17

Michael K. Garrett, CC Pvt. Richard Taylor, Camp 53




ARTICLE I – Organization

This Department shall be constituted and remain constituted as provided by the Constitution and Regulations (C & R) governing the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, and shall be known as the DEPARTMENT OF TENNESSEE, SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR.

The department is organized as an unincorporated association under the laws of the State of Tennessee. The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future tax code.

ARTICLE II – Activities not in furtherance of exempt purposes

No part of the net earnings of any part of this unincorporated association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers or other private persons, except that the unincorporated association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)3 of the federal tax code. No substantial part of the activities of the unincorporated association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the unincorporated association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these by-laws, the unincorporated association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an unincorporated association exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code, or (b) by an unincorporated association, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)2 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

ARTICLE III – Meetings

Section 1: The Encampment of the Department of Tennessee shall be held annually.

Section 2: In the event of the failure to fix the time and place of the Annual Encampment before July 1st, the same shall be determined by the Department Commander, Department Secretary / Treasurer, Department Treasurer, and the members of the Department Council, by a majority vote of those present at the meeting duly called by the Department Commander at least 30 days prior to July 1st in any year.

Section 3: It shall be the duty of the Department Secretary / Treasurer to issue a draft of the minutes of the Departmental Encampment to the elected and appointed officers of the Department, all Camp Commanders, and all Brothers in attendance at the Departmental Encampment within 30 days of the formal conclusion of the Departmental Encampment. This draft may be issued either electronically or by United States postal service. 

Section 4: Special meetings of the Department may be called by the Department Commander, with the consent of the Department Council, and shall also be convened by the Department Commander upon the petition of a majority of the Camps, approved by their Brothers; provided that not less than fifteen (15) days’ notice of said meeting shall be given each Camp, but no business shall be transacted at any special meeting other than for which it was called and the call for all special meetings shall state the object and purpose of same. 

Section 5: Resolutions to come before the Department shall be sent to the Department Commander with copy to the Department Secretary / Treasurer no later than seventy-five (75) days prior the Department Encampment.  The Department Secretary / Treasurer shall communicate Resolutions to the Camp Commanders and their Camp Officers no later that sixty (60) days prior to the Department Encampment.  Resolutions received after the declared communication period shall only be acted upon at the Department Encampment at the discretion of the Department Commander.  

ARTICLE IV – Officers and their Duties

Section 1: The elected officers of the Department shall be as follows: Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander, three (3) members of the Council, Secretary/Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary/Treasurer. All terms, except for the Department Council, will be for one year, or until their successors are duly elected and installed. Terms for members of the Department Council will be two years. The Commander, Secretary/Treasurer, or Assistant Secretary/Treasurer shall not serve on the Department Council. The most recent Past Department Commander shall join the Department Council.  The above-named elected officers shall all be Brothers of the Department of Tennessee and shall meet the requirements and perform their duties as detailed in the C & R.

Section 2: The Department Commander, after his election, shall appoint all other officers for a term of one (1) year as per the C & R. The appointed officers shall include, but not be limited to the following: Chief of Staff, Patriotic Instructor, Chaplain, Counselor, Department Camp Organizer, Historian, Guide, Color Bearer, Guard, Graves Registration Officer, Aide, and any other positions required by the C & R, these Bylaws and/or the Order’s ceremonials and Ritual. The appointed officers shall all be Brothers of the Department of Tennessee and shall perform the duties as specified by the C & R, Ritual, Department Bylaws, and/or the orders of the Department Commander.

Section 3: If a vacancy should occur in any elected office, the Department Council shall convene and, by a majority vote of said Council, elect some Brother of the Department of Tennessee to fill said vacancy until the next Department Encampment. If a vacancy should occur in any appointed office, the Department Commander may appoint another Brother of the Department of Tennessee to fill said vacancy until the next Department Encampment. The removal from office of any elected or appointed officer for misconduct of duty shall be as provided by the C & R and Department Bylaws.

Section 4: It shall be the duty of the Department Commander and Department Secretary / Treasurer, jointly, to make arrangements for temporary Headquarters and place of meeting for the Annual Department Encampment.

Section 5: All officers of the Department (elected and appointed) shall upon their retirement from office turn over to their successor all property of the Department within ten (10) days after leaving office.

Section 6: Pursuant to the C & R a sufficient number of Brothers of the Department of Tennessee shall be elected as Delegates and Alternates to attend and represent the Department of Tennessee at the Annual National Encampment of the Order. Said election shall occur at the Annual Department Encampment. All other Brothers in good standing at time of the Annual National Encampment may serve as alternates should an elected Delegate not be able to attend. If there are more willing Alternates than openings, the Department Commander shall determine which Brothers will be the Alternate(s).

Section 7. The Department Secretary/Treasurer shall ensure that following individuals have signatory access to the Department Accounts: the Council member who has most recently joined the Council of Administration and the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer within four (4) business weeks of assuming office.  Copies of the details of Department accounts including Banking Institution, account numbers, etc. shall be provided to everyone having signatory access as well as the Department Commander.

ARTICLE V – Authorized Expenditures

Section 1: The Department Commander may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses necessary for the conduct of his office. Approval of reimbursement for expenses up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50) per year shall be obtained from the Department Council. Typical expenses may include but are not limited to, long distance telephone calls, postage, and mileage.

Section 2: The Department Secretary/ Treasurer  may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses, up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50 75)  per year necessary for the conduct of his office provided that a written request is presented to and approved by the Department Commander. Typical expenses may include, but are not limited to, long distance telephone calls, postage, and mileage.

Section 3: The Department Treasurer may be entitled to reimbursement of certain expenses, up to a maximum of fifty dollars ($50) per year necessary for the conduct of his office provided that a written request is presented to and approved by the Department Commander. Typical expenses may include, but are not be limited to, long distance telephone calls, postage, and mileage. 

ARTICLE VI – Department Council

Section 1: The Department Council shall meet after their installation and elect a Chairman, and Secretary. All Past Department Commanders will be asked to serve one, two-year term as a member of the Department Council, upon leaving office. The Department Council shall have charge and supervision of all investments of funds and property of the Department. They shall convene no later than the morning of first day of the Department Encampment for the purpose of a full audit of the Department books and accounts, and accounting for all Department property; and to review a budget, prepared by the Department Treasurer, for the upcoming year; and for the consideration of such other business as may be brought to its attention.

Section 2: The Department Secretary / Treasurer shall have all necessary books, papers, etc., at the time and place designated and shall render assistance in making said audit. Failure to comply without just cause or prior arrangements may result in disciplinary measures as set forth in the C & R and Department Bylaws.


Section 1: The Department Commander and all Department Officers shall present an annual report in writing at the annual Department Encampment.

Section 2: The Department Secretary / Treasurer shall make and keep a record of the Proceedings of the Department Encampment, and shall make a regular report of the correspondence received and sent and other activities as required by his office and to make such report to the Department Commander as often as required by the C & R and such special report as may be deemed necessary by the Department Commander and/or Department Council.

Section 3: The Department Secretary / Treasurer shall make and keep a record of the finances of the Department, stating the’ total receipts, expenditures, and. balances on hand to the Department Encampment, and to make such report to the Department Commander as often as required by the C & R, and such special. reports as may be deemed necessary by the Department Commander and/or Department Council.

Section 4: The above specified regular reports shall be embodied in the next Department Order by the Department Commander as soon as possible after receipt of same.

ARTICLE VII – Camp Charter Fees and Per Capita Tax

Section 1: The Charter fee for new Camps (full and provisional) shall be twenty-five dollars ($25) and shall be paid before approval of the Charter by the Department Commander. The fee shall also cover the cost of the Camp Packet.

Section 2: The Camp Packet shall consist of one (1) Ritual, five (5) Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War application forms, two (2) transfer forms, two (2) charter application forms, two (2) organizer’s report forms,  one (1) Department Bylaws, one (1) Constitution & Regulations, one (1) Document entitled, “Job Descriptions for Department and Camp Officers, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War,” and a listing of the current Camps and Officer’s within the Department.

Section 3: The Per Capita Tax for the ensuing year shall be fixed at the annual Department Encampment.

Section 4: Camps shall be exempt from Department Per Capita Tax assessment on Real Sons, Life Members, and Juniors.

ARTICLE IX – Committees

Section 1: The standing Committees of the Department shall be as follows: Bylaws, Legislative, Membership, and Grave Registration & Memorial.

Section 2: Special Committees may be created by action of the Department Encampment and shall exist for the period of time designated in the creation thereof. Duties and responsibilities shall be simultaneously defined.

Section 3: The Department Standing Committees shall, except as where otherwise noted, consist of a maximum of five (5) Brothers of this Department in good standing within their respective Camps. The Department Commander shall appoint the Chairman of the Committees unless otherwise specified.

Section 4: The Bylaws Committee shall be chaired by the Department Senior Vice Commander and shall annually review the Bylaws of the Department and bring to the attention of the Department any necessary revisions. All Camp Senior Vice Commanders will serve as members of this committee.

Section 5: The Legislative Committee shall keep itself informed of all legislation which may be introduced in the Tennessee or other state legislatures of such a nature as to affect the interest of this Order and/or the other Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or the patriotic interest of the people and may recommend to the Camps, subject to the approval of the Department Commander, any action it may deem advisable or expedient. The Legislative Committee shall consist of the Department Commander, Department Secretary / Treasurer, and three Brothers of the Department appointed by the Department Commander. 

Section 6: The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Junior Vice Department Commander and consist of all Camp Junior Vice Commanders. The purpose of the Committee shall be to put forth proposals and implement programs for the recruitment of Brothers into the Order.

Section 7: The Graves Registration & Memorial Committee shall seek and identify all graves of Civil War veterans and all monuments, memorials, etc., dedicated to Civil War veterans and the Grand Army of the republic within the boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. The Committee shall bring to the attention of the Department any disrespect or lack of attention shown to any Civil War grave or memorial. The Department Chaplain along with the Department Graves Registration Officer will Co-Chair this committee. All Camp Chaplains and Graves Registration Officers will serve on this committee.




Section 1: The Department Commander may annually inspect each Camp for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of same.

Section 2: The use of ritualistic ceremonies in the conducting of regular Camp meetings is encouraged of all Camps.

Section 3: The initiation of candidates into the Order is encouraged to be done as per the Ritual of the Order at a regular Camp meeting.

Section 4: Camps are encouraged to meet at least quarterly throughout the year in regular Ritual session.

ARTICLE XI – Department Camp-at-Large

Section 1: While applicants are encouraged to join Camps in their local areas, Authorization is provided for the establishment of a Department Camp-at- Large within the Department of Tennessee to accommodate Brothers of the Order who do not reside within a reasonable distance of a local Camp.

Section 2: The Department Commander shall appoint Department Assistant Secretary / Treasurer shall be a Department Camp-at- Large Coordinator for the Department Camp-at-Large. He will perform the duties generally associated with a Camp Secretary for this Camp. Applications for membership shall be directed to him and he shall accept or reject the same, keeping a record of such Brothers.

Section 3: All fees and dues collected by the Department Camp-at-Large Coordinator shall be forwarded to the Department Secretary / Treasurer. The Department Secretary / Treasurer shall maintain the funds or this Camp as a liability account in the General Fund of the Department. The Department Secretary / Treasurer shall remit per capita payments based on the membership report of the Department Camp-at- Large Coordinator.

Section 4: Membership fees shall apply to Department Camp-at-Large Brothers in the same manner as for Brothers in a local Camp. Annual dues for the Department Camp-at-Large shall be set yearly by the Department Council.

Section 5: All Brothers with National Membership-at-Large status within the boundaries of the Department of Tennessee shall be encouraged to transfer into a Camp within the Department of Tennessee.  No new member application for the Department shall be accepted for Department Members-at-Large. 



ARTICLE XII – Associates

Section 1: Associates may be enrolled only into existing Camps within the Department pursuant to the Order’s C & R.

Section 2: The Associate applicant shall observe all procedures of application, membership, and dues structures as the Member applicant.

Section 3: A rejected applicant for Associate enrollment shall not be eligible to apply again for Associate enrollment until six (6) months have elapsed after such rejection.

Section 4: Associates will enjoy all of the privileges of membership including the right to vote at Camp and Department functions and the right to hold all offices at the Camp and Department level.

ARTICLE XII – Elections and Installations

Section 1: The Camps of this Department shall elect Camp Officers between the first regular meeting of the Camp during the month of October and the first meeting of December, inclusive; said elections shall conform to regulations established by the C & R.

Section 2: The Camps of this Department shall install Camp Officers between the first regular meeting of the Camp in November and January, inclusive. Said installation shall conform to regulations established by the C & R and shall be performed by proper authority, the Department Commander or his designee or the Commander-in-Chief or his designee.

ARTICLE XIV – Amendments

Section 1: The Bylaws shall only be amended, altered, or added to by two thirds vote of the Brothers present and entitled to vote at any annual Department Encampment.

Section 2: Any proposed amendment, alteration or addition to these Bylaws shall be printed” or typewritten and a copy sent to the Commander of each Camp at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual Department Encampment. The Camp shall take action on same and instruct their delegates accordingly.

Section 3: These Bylaws and any amendment, alterations, or additions thereto shall go into effect immediately after their adoption by the Department Encampment and approval by the Commander-in-Chief.

Section 4: All Bylaws heretofore adopted by the Department, of Tennessee are hereby repealed.



ARTICLE XV – Ritualistic Equipment

Section 1: Camps are encouraged to secure appropriate ritualistic equipment and to use same in the conducting of Camp meetings.

Section 2: Camps are encouraged to provide at least three (3) flags. The first two flags shall be the United States Flag and the Tennessee State Flag. The third flag shall be blue bearing a gold badge of the Order no smaller than 8 x I0 inches centered with the names in gold lettering of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and the name and number of the Camp. The size of all three flags and poles, respectively, shall be the same. The fringe on all three flags shall be yellow.

Section 3: The Department is encouraged to provide at least three (3) flags. The first two flags shall be the United States and the State of Tennessee flag. The third flag shall be red bearing a gold badge of the Order no smaller than 8 X 10 inches centered with the names in gold lettering of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and the Department of Tennessee. The size of all three flags and poles, respectively, shall be the same. The fringe on all three flags shall be yellow.

Section 4: All flags of the Camps and/or the Department shall be displayed, if practicable, at all regular meetings of the respective body, at parades, and when ordered by the Department Commander. Section 5: All Camps and the Department shall make all efforts possible to secure and use the ritualistic equipment provided for in the C & R Ritual and Bylaws, including, but not limited to, station banners, ballot box, altar cloth, seals, badges, etc.


Section 1: Authorization for two Department membership awards is provided. The Department may confer an award upon the Camp within the Department of Tennessee that initiates the most new Brothers during the twelve (12) months preceding the Department Encampment. This award shall be designated as the Corporal William H. Bell Membership Award. The Department may also confer an award upon the Camp within the Department of Tennessee that demonstrated the largest percentage of growth during the twelve (12) months preceding the Department Encampment. This award shall be designated as the Private Henry Hoover Membership Award.

Section 2: Authorization for a Department certificate of appreciation award is provided. The award shall be known as the Department of Tennessee Charles Henry Engle, Jr. Award of Appreciation. The award shall be conferred by the Department Commander upon any individual or entity who, in the judgment of a three-member panel appointed by the Department Commander, has through his/her actions, words, and/or deeds significantly contributed to the furtherance of the memory of the Grand Army of the Republic within the Boundaries of the Department of Tennessee. Recommendations for possible recipients of said award shall be submitted, along with a one-page description of the contribution made, to the Department Secretary  / Treasurer no later than two (2) months prior to the annual Department Encampment. Recipients of the award shall be publicly announced and a certificate and/or other appropriate symbol of the award presented at the annual Department of Tennessee Encampment. No more than three (3) recipients shall be selected for the award in any one year.

ARTICLE XVII – Discipline

Section 1: The Department Commander shall have jurisdiction over charges made against officers of the Department, except himself, and Camps within the Department Tennessee.

Section 2: Charges may be preferred for violation of obligation, violation of office, or doing anything tending to injure a Brother, Camp, Department or the Order of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Such charges shall be filed in writing within a reasonable time of the alleged violation; a copy of same being delivered to the accused in a reasonable time before the hearing.

Section 3: Charges made against the Department Commander shall be addressed to the Department Council and sent to the Chairman. The Council may then appoint the Trial Commissioner and proceed with a hearing. In cases involving charges against the Department Commander, the Department Commander shall retain the right to ask that the hearing be convened by the Commander-In-Chief rather than by the Department Council.

Section 4: The provisions of the C & R regarding Discipline shall be observed by all levels within this Department.

ARTICLE XVIII – Sons of Veterans Reserve, Camp Guards and Chief of Staff

Section 1: The Department Commander may call upon the SVR Officer commanding within the Department and request the SVR to provide an appropriate appearance and military participation on behalf of the Department.

Section 2: The Senior Officer of any SVR unit existing within the Department, present at any Department function, shall assume overall command of the military aspects of the Department function. The senior officer of each Camp Guard participating in the Department function shall place himself and his Camp Guard under the command of the SVR Officer.

Section 3: Camps may maintain an independent Camp Guard under the Auspices of the Camp. Said Camp Guards shall not be governed by the Standard Operating procedures of the National Military Department, SVR, with the exception that SVR uniform regulations shall be observed by the Camp Guards. The highest-ranking officer of any Camp Guard shall be Captain.

Section 4: Each member of any Camp Guard shall wear upon his kepi the insignia as adopted by the Department. (The Badge for the Department of Tennessee is as yet undetermined)

Section 5: The Department may call upon the various Camps and request that the Camps provide an appropriate appearance and military participation at a Department function.

Section 6: Each Camp with a Camp Guard may regulate the amount of dues for members of such a unit.

Section 7: There shall be no money paid out from the Department Treasury to any source expense or purpose for the SVR or any Camp Guard, unless it is so voted by a two-thirds vote of those present and entitled to vote at any annual Department Encampment.

Section 8: The Department Commander may appoint a Brother of the Department as Department Chief of Staff. Said Brother shall be familiar with both the 1860- 1865 United States Military Regulations and the Order’s Ritual.

Section 9: The Department Chief of Staff shall serve as the liaison between the Department and the SVR and Camp Guards within the Department.

ARTICLE XIX – Inclusion of Other Regulations

Section 1: Included herein by reference and made a part of these Bylaws are the following rules and regulations and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto: Constitution and Regulations of the National Organization of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and Regulations and Standard Operating Procedures of the National Military Department of the Sons of Veterans Reserve.

ARTICLE XXII – Department Encampment

Section 1: All Past Department Commanders, current and Past Camp Commanders, Department Officers, and Camp Delegates, or Camp Alternates serving in the absence of the Camp Delegates, to the Department of Tennessee Encampment, will register upon arrival at the Encampment with the Department Secretary / Treasurer and shall be considered registered and entitled to vote at the Department Encampment.

Section 2: Present and Past National Officers and Present and Past Department Officers from other Departments, who are not Brothers from Camps within the Department of Tennessee shall not be entitled to vote at a Department of Tennessee Encampment.

Section 3: Only one vote per person may be claimed on the basis of past offices held. Regardless of the number of Camp, Department and/or National offices, past or present, held by any registered Brother of the Department of Tennessee to the Department Encampment, he shall only be entitled to one vote on any issue to come before the Department Encampment.

ARTICLE XXIII – Separation, Dissolution and Disposition of Assets

Section 1: In the case of surrender or forfeiture of the Department Charter, all Department property and assets shall be turned over to the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War or to his duly authorized representative and shall become the property of the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, an organization exempt from taxes under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 2: All property of the Department shall be held for the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, as a charitable trust that is held and used for the purpose for which the Order exists. Any such transfer or disposal within six months of disbandment or surrender of the Camp Charter without the written consent of the National Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is prohibited. The property and funds of the Department shall not be divided among its members.

Section 3: In the event the National Organization, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, no longer exists, said property and funds shall revert to the benefit of the first and any remaining organization of the Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic or in their absence, to the holdings of the State Archives of Tennessee.

Section 4: Notwithstanding the above language, upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.

ARTICLE XXIV – Assignment of Camp Numbers

Section 1: In accordance with the National Organizations C & R, the Department Commander will assign camp numbers to any new camps forming within the Department.

ARTICLE XXV – Juniors and Junior Associates

Section 1: All Brothers under the age of 18 years of age should be accompanied by a parent or person designated as a Guardian (Grandfather or Grandmother, Brother or Sister over the age of 18 years, or Aunt or Uncle) when participating in ANY SUVCW activity. Any parent or guardian attending a business meeting of the department shall not be permitted to participate in the activities of such meeting.

Section 2: At no time will a non-related Brother be permitted “one on one” contact with a Brother under the age of 18. Any interaction with a Brother under the age of 18 must always include at least two (2) Brothers over the age of 18. It is preferable that juniors and junior associates participate in “public” events and activities, whenever possible, to avoid the need for private contact between a Brother under the age of 18 and an unrelated Brother over the age of 18.

Section 3: Any Brother who witnesses or suspects, in good faith, any type of physical, mental or sexual abuse of any member under the age of 18 will immediately report such suspicion to local authorities first and then the local Camp and Department Commanders immediately thereafter.

Section 4: Every Brother over the age of 18 who may have contact with a Brother under the age of 18 should complete training related to protecting children from abuse of any type.  Free training is available from the Boy Scouts of America. You will need choose the Youth Protection Training. While this training is not a requirement, it is highly suggested that it is completed to be used as a tool to protect our youth and Brothers.

Section 5: Ultimately, all Brothers must comply with all applicable local and State laws pertaining to child abuse.



03 April 2021

Department Commander

Department of Tennessee

We, the Brothers of Sultana Camp #1, Department of Tennessee respectfully submit the following resolution to the Encampment of the Department of Tennessee to be held 17 April 2021:

WHEREAS the Commanders of the Department of Tennessee have done notable service to the order and to our Department; and


WHEREAS they have served in many roles, to support their Camps and the Department prior to being Department Commander; and


WHEREAS the Department does not currently recognize this service in any tangible manner


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it become the policy of the Department of Tennessee to provide for a Past Department Commander badge for all future Department Commanders as they leave their first time of service in the office as a means to thank them for good and faithful service.



Sultana Camp #1, Department of Tennessee



Preservation of Monuments Resolution – Department of Tennessee

The Brothers of the Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War have had to watch in horror as the local and national events have shaken America’s foundation to the core. Our state has suffered the ravages of protests and the defacing and destruction of our monuments, historic government buildings and memorials. It is with sadness in our hearts that we must report that our government leaders have refused to stop the destruction and will not stand up against the damage to our history.

It is up to us, the members of the Department of Tennessee to stand up and voice our concern. If no one else will talk about the targeted vandalism, then we must. The loss of our history is a major concern for the Department of Tennessee.

We the members of the Department of Tennessee, have come together to voice our concern. In that vein, we have approved the following statement:




The Brothers of Department of Tennessee Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War condemn the criminal vandalism, or unlawful destruction of monuments, historic government buildings and memorials dedicated to the memory of American soldiers from all wars as a breach of faith and duty to our ancestors, and to the principles of freedom they fought to preserve and pass on to their descendants.

The Department of Tennessee’s primary purpose is to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers and sailors who fought and sacrificed for the Union from 1861 to 1865 and in many cases were wounded or died to save the United States of America.

It is our solemn duty to honor the soldiers belonging to the Union, the “Boys in Blue” who fought in that terrible war and to oversee the process of preserving the memories of those soldiers and sailors, and their courage, tenacity and strength, by raising monuments and memorials commemorating their service and deeds. These monuments, historic government buildings and memorials can be found in cities, towns, and villages across the entire country, and indeed, beyond our shores.

One of the ways we perpetuate the memory of the “Boys in Blue” is to care for and work to repair those monuments and memorials dedicated to their sacrifice. In addition, we assist in the erection and repair of new monuments and memorials which is ongoing.

Recently, criminal acts of vandalism and outright destruction of monuments, historic government buildings and memorials dedicated to our American heroes by groups or individuals demanding their elimination or removal have increased. We believe that there should be criminal prosecution of perpetrators of such crimes by legal authority.

Monuments, historic government buildings and memorials serve the necessary purpose of inspiring and educating future generations of Americans on the sacrifices made by their Forebearers. Our history must be preserved in complete truthfulness. By this policy, we state our intent and reaffirm our commitment to our honored dead and dedicate ourselves to do all in our power as an organization, to ensure that the memorials to them will be preserved for the inspiration and education of future generations.