20th Department of Tennessee Encampment (DRAFT MINUTES)

Department of Tennessee Minutes

20th Encampment

31 January 2015

Commander Samuel Clifford Gant opened the 20th Department of Tennessee Encampment at 930 on 31 January 2015.   The Charter was draped in black per Special General Order No. 2 and Special General Order No. 3.

The Department Secretary, Geoffrey Hintze, PDC, called the roll of the officers.  Present were Commander Gant, Senior Vice Commander Michael Downs, Junior Vice Commander Roger Tenney, Treasurer David McReynolds, Secretary Geoffrey Hintze, PDC and Chaplain Clyde Getman, PDC.  The Patriotic Instructor, Edward Evans, was not present.  Commander Gant appointed Brother Gary Burke as Patriotic Instructor for the duration of the Encampment.  Brother Bill Radcliffe was the guide.

The Department Chaplain, PDC Clyde Getman, presented the Necrology Report.  The Charter was draped in black because two Real Sons died in the last thirty days.  David Ordean Chase, son of Pvt. Albert Stillman Chase of Co. H 6th Minnesota Infantry, died on 2 January 2015 and Luke Perkins Martin, Jr., son of Pvt. Luke Perkins Martin Sr. of the 35th US Colored Infantry died on 25 January 2015.  Also, the Department of Tennessee lost one of its founding Brothers with the passing of PDC Allen F. Smith was born on July 11, 1938. In 1999 he became the 4th Department Commander.  He was a member of the Fort Donelson Camp 62.  Brother Smith died in Ceder Hill, TN on June 30, 2013.

The officer’s reports were then given.

Department Senior Vice Commander Michael Downs gave a brief report.  Brother Downs has been involved in the planning of the sesquicentennial “Blue – Gray Reunion” that will be held in Knoxville in May.  He also presented a program covering the history of the 73rd Indiana Volunteer Infantry and attended the National Encampment in Atlanta.  His report is attachment #1.

Department Treasurer reported that there was a beginning balance of $781.63  and a current balance of $992.88.  The treasurers report is attachment #2.  The most active month is April (see graph in report) when the Camp Annual Reports arrive and the balance returns to normal after the Department report is sent to National in May.

Department Signals Officer George Huttick reported that the Department website has an average of 14 views per day.  His report is attachment #3.

Camp Reports

Brother Roger Tenney gave the Fort Donelson #62 report.  Since Department Encampment #19, the Camp took part in Memorial Day at Fort Negley, Fort Negley living History, Fort Negley Haunted History, Veterans Day Cannon Dedication in Franklin, TN. And a Tennessee Sesquicentennial Event in Franklin, TN.  Brother Bill Radcliffe also took part in events representing the camp.  The details are listed in Attachment #4.

Brother Carl Addison gave the Wilson report.  Brother Addison reported that they have 15 members and meet twice a year.  AS he lives about 100 miles away, he is not as active as he would prefer.

Brother Geoffrey Hintze gave the Pvt. Richard Taylor #53 Report.  The Taylor Camp has not been very active and is struggling to survive.  In 2014 they awarded JROTC medals at the six Huntsville High Schools.

Brother David McReynolds gave the Major William A. McTeer  Report.  A summary is given in attachment #5.


The honored guest was Commander in Chief Tad Campbell of California.  Commander Campbell acknowledged the problems some of the Camps are having and pointed out that his Department has the same problem.  He has ancestors that fought in the Nashville area and plans to visit a cemetery where his 4th great grandfather rests.

The Commander-in-Chief gave Meritorious Service Awards to Commander Sam Gant and Brothers Sam Huffman and Chip Huffma

Committee on Credentials

There were 20 Brothers in Attendance.  Sultana had 1 PDC, 1 CC  and 2 Delegates, Fort Donelson had 1 DC, 1 PCC  and 6 Delegates, Farragut had 1 PDC, Wilson had 1 Delegate,  Taylor had 1 PDC and 1 Delegate, and McTeer had 1 PDC, 2 PCC and 1 Delegate.  Brother Engle was ill and did not attend so there was no Missionary Ridge attendance.  Brother Engle informed the Commander that Byrd intends to turn in their Charter.


Old Business

Brother Fidler brought up the discussion concerning Camps on foreign soil.  Brother Downs made a motion that “The Department of Tennessee supports the establishment of foreign Camps” (Brother Huttick seconding).  A friendly amendment changed foreign to non US so that the motion reads “The Department of Tennessee supports the establishment of non US Camps”.  The motion passed.

Brother Huttick made a motion that “Brother Fidler get a written recommendation to the incoming Department Commander by the end of May”.  Brother Jones seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

Brother Downs brought up the Central Regional Association that was discussed at the 19th Encampment.  Brother Downs asked the Department for approval to sponsor the 2016 meeting at Fort Negley the weekend of September 30 through October 2.  Brother Downs made a motion that “The Department authorize Brother Downs to look into hosting the convention that weekend or another weekend near that date”.  Brother Fidler seconded the motion and it passed.



New Business

Brother Huttick brought a Motion to get a draft of the Encampment minutes to the camp with 30 days.  The Secretary proposed that this should include all the attendees of the Encampment.  The amendment was agreed to and the motion passed.

This years National Encampment is in Richmond, VA on 19 August through 23 August.  The Encampment voted the following Brothers as Delegates to the Encampment:

George Andrew Huttick Fort Donelson
Chip Huffman Fort Donelson
Roger Tenney Fort Donelson
David McReynolds Major William Anderson McTeer
Robert Wallace Major William Anderson McTeer
Darwin Concon Sultana
Phillip Graham Taylor
Carl Addison Wilson


All Brothers in good standing are eligible to attend.  The Department Commander and Past Department Commanders do not count as Delegates and can attend and vote.  The Department is allowed 8 Delegates base on the size of the Department.  All other Brothers attending can be Alternate Delegates.  Brothers who wish to attend need to contact the Department Secretary for Credentials.


Nomination of Officers

Officers were nominated through a Roll Call of the Camps in the order that the Camps entered the Department.


The McTeer Camp nominated Brother Michael Downs.  The nomination was seconded and all other Camps passed.  Brother Downs agreed to serve.

Senior Vice-Commander

The Fort Donelson Camp nominated Brother Roger Tenney.  The nomination was seconded.  Brother Tenney agreed to serve.

Junior Vice-Commander

The McTeer Camp nominated Brother David McReynolds.  The nomination was seconded.  Brother McReynolds agreed to serve.


The Taylor Camp nominated Brother Geoffrey Hintze.  The nomination was seconded.  Brother Hintze agreed to serve

Department Council

Per the Bylaws, PDC Gant serves a two-year term on the Department Council.  The other two council positions remain filled for a second year.

The Officer-elect for the Department of Tennessee were

Commander: Michael Downs, PCC
Senior Vice-Commander: Roger Tenney, CC
Junior Vice-Commander: David McReynolds
Secretary/Treasurer: Geoffrey Hintze, PDC
Department Council: Craig Brown, PDC
Samuel Gant
Ben Jones
Chaplain Clyde Getman, PDC
Patriotic Instructor Eddie Evans
Graves Registration Officer George Lane, PCC
Historian Geoffrey Hintze, PDC
Eagle Scout Coordinator Craig Brown, PDC
ROTC Medal Coordinator Doug Fidler, PDC
Signals Officer George A. Huttick


Commander in Chief Campbell installed Brother Downs and the other officers.  Commander Downs mentioned that he likes to call people so do not be surprised to hear from him.  Commander Downs then closed the 20h Encampment of the Department of Tennessee.