Fort Donelson Camp #62

Fort Donelson Camp #62 resides in Middle Tennessee, and meets regulary at Ft. Negley, Nashville, TN.

Chip Huffman;; Camp Commander
Joe Smyth; Senior Vice Commander
Bryan Collins; Junior Vice Commander
Scott Holmes; Treasurer
Chris Sears; Secretary
Bill Radcliffe, Darrell Ball, Chris Sears; Camp Council
Gary M. Burke; Chaplain
Bill Radcliffe; Patriotic Instructor
Sam Gant, PDC; Historian
George Andrew Huttick, PCC, DC; Signals Officer
Sam Gant, PDC; Graves Registration Officer


Past Camp Commanders:

  • Edward J. Duffel, PDC
  • Allen F. Smith, PDC
  • Craig Courtney
  • Andrew J. Duffel
  • Sam C. Gant, PDC
  • Roger A. Tenney, PDC

FB Fort Donelson Camp #62 (group)

FB Fort Donelson Camp #62 (page)


Middle TN Civil War Trails

Fort Donelson Camp is an original Charter Camp of the Deparment